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Sam was exhausted as he was cleaning up from dinner. It had been about three days since Lucifer and Amenadiel brought Gabriel back. Since then, Sam had spent most of his time around the Archangels, trying to help Gabriel come out of his shell. It hadn't done much good, but he would keep trying, just as Lucifer and Amenadiel kept trying. Because of all that, Sam had gotten very little sleep. There was also the fact that every time he closed his eyes, he saw Asmodeus hurting Gabriel.

Sam had just finished cleaning up when he turned around to see Dean looking at him both suspiciously and irritably. Sam jumped because he hadn't expected his brother to be there. "Dude, don't do that."

Dean did nothing but continue to look at him.

"What are you staring at me like that for?" Sam asked.

Dean shrugged. "Maybe because I haven't seen you around lately."

"What are you talking about? I haven't left the bunker since you, me, and Cas came back," Sam said.

"No, you've just been spending most of your time upstairs with the Devil," Dean said irritably.

"What are you getting at?" Sam asked in a similar tone. He spent most of his time with Lucifer because he was trying to help with Gabriel. Was his brother really upset that he wanted to help someone who was tortured to the point where he was almost catatonic?

"Tell me you're not going there, Sam," Dean said.

"Going where? I don't know what you're talking about," Sam said confused. Dean was acting like trying to help with Gabriel was the worst thing in the world.

"I'm not an idiot, Sam. You're around the bastard all the time, and you've defended him since right after he got here. You've talked about how he's not like we thought the Devil was supposed to be. It just seems a while like it was with Ruby," Dean said.

Sam began to realise what his brother was suggesting and then he started laughing. "You think I'm into Lucifer? Really? You're an idiot."

"I know you swing both ways," Dean said. He'd known that since Sam was in high school. It never bothered him. He never cared whether his brother was into guys or girls. He did care if he wasn't into Lucifer though.

"So what? So that means I want to be with Lucifer? Why? Because I'm civil to him? Because I can actually think things through rationally enough to give him a chance instead of immediately condemning him?" Sam asked.

"You've been spending a lot of time around him," Dean pointed out.

"Yeah, because we're both trying to do the same thing. Find a way to bring Gabriel back from wherever he is in his mind," Sam said.

"I don't buy that. Maybe you'd help Gabriel a little bit, but you wouldn't be up there all day and night, not for someone we both hate," Dean said. Pity was one thing. So was helping take food up or medical supplies, but he wouldn't be around him all the time. He couldn't stand Gabriel.

"You don't know how I feel!" Sam yelled.

"You know, you two are awful loud," a British voice said.

Both turned to see Lucifer enter the room.

"Get lost!" Dean snarled at Lucifer.

"You know, if we were having sex, you'd hear your brother through the walls. No one is quiet with me," Lucifer said with a grin.

"Alright, this conversation needs to end now," Sam said before heading out of the room.

Dean glared at Lucifer. "I don't know what you're doing with my brother, but stay away from him."

Lucifer DeuxWhere stories live. Discover now