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A/N: Gabriel won't recover as easily here as he did on the show. I never liked how after one day he seemed fine for the most part. It seemed very unrealistic.

Lucifer had seen a lot of terrible things in his long lifetime. He was the ruler of Hell. Torture and punishment was in the job description. But nothing had been so horrifying, so gut retching as this. His baby brother was cowering in the corner of a cage hugging his knees. There was blood and dirt all over him. His lips were sewn shut. They were sewn shut!

Maze peeked in behind Lucifer. "Wow, I don't think I've ever seen handiwork like this. It's kind of exciting."

Lucifer turned and hissed angrily at her.

Maze stepped back and put her hands up in surrender. Lucifer was not screwing around. He was pissed. His eyes were glowing red and they were wild with fury. This angel mattered to him.

Lucifer turned back to his brother and extended a hand inside the cage. "Gabriel."

Gabriel whimpered loudly and recoiled into himself even further.

"Brother, I won't hurt you. I never would," Lucifer said. He knew he couldn't really expect Gabriel to believe him though. Gabriel had clearly not known anything but Asmodeus' torture for a long time. Plus, the last time Gabriel had seen 'Lucifer' it hadn't gone well. "Gabriel, please let me get you out of here."

Gabriel shook his head wildly and continued to whimper and cry.

Just then, the door to the throne room was opened and Amenadiel came in. "The demons are..." He cut himself off when he felt the Grace in the room. Grace that wasn't his or Lucifer's. The Grace was very faint and weak, but he was pretty sure he knew who it belonged to.

"Help me, brother," Lucifer begged Amenadiel.

Amenadiel rushed over and bent down next to his brother. Finally, he saw the same thing Lucifer was seeing. "Oh, Father. Gabriel."

"He won't let me help him," Lucifer said.

Amenadiel reached his hand out to Gabriel, much like Lucifer had. "Gabriel, take my hand."

Gabriel shrank away once more.

"Who knows how long he's been here, boys? He probably only sees another monster now," Maze said.

Amenadiel nodded. She was right. It had probably been too long since Gabriel had seen a friendly face. Plus, his Grace was weak, so he probably couldn't sense who they really were. "We have to get him out of here."

Lucifer nodded and slowly crawled about halfway into the cage. He was going to frighten his brother greatly, but it had to be done to help him.

Gabriel scrambled to get away, but he didn't really have anywhere to go.

As gently as he could, Lucifer took a hold of his brother and forcibly pulled him from the cage, all while his brother screamed through his sewn mouth. "I'm sorry. It's going to be alright; I promise."

Amenadiel grabbed Gabriel's other arm to help them both. "Let's get him back to the bunker."

"You go," Lucifer said before letting go of his grip on his younger brother.

Amenadiel watched as his brother's eyes became even colder than they already were. Lucifer had punishment on his mind, and not an easy one. "Luci, no."

"I'm going to burn the bastard's skin off, Amenadiel. Then I'm going to reattach it so I can do it again!" Lucifer hissed. Asmodeus was going to suffer for what he'd done. No one touched his little brother without suffering severely. What he was planning to do to that abomination he created was nothing compared to what he was going to do to Asmodeus.

Lucifer DeuxWhere stories live. Discover now