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Lucifer was currently sitting alone in the Winchester's library on the phone with Doctor Linda. He was trying to get her to help him with the whole Jack situation.

"Let me see if I understand this correctly. You've left town to deal with some evil you said you created," Linda started.

"Yes. I'm in Kansas. It's a terribly boring place compared to LA," Lucifer complained.

"Uh huh. And while you were there, you found out you have a son?" Linda asked.

"Yes, Jack. He's not bad for a teenager, but I don't do well with children," Lucifer said.

"Well, I can't say this part surprises me."

"What do you mean it doesn't surprise you, Doctor? Me having an offspring should baffle you. It does me," Lucifer said.

"Well, you have sex every night. It was bound to happen eventually," Linda said.

"Oh, I have sex more than once a night. What does that have to do with anything? I didn't conceive Jack during sex. He's mine because he's made up of my Grace," Lucifer said.

There was a slight pause that lasted about two seconds. "Okay, sure."

Just then, Lucifer heard footsteps. He turned to see Dean.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Dean demanded suspiciously. He didn't like the dude anywhere in the bunker by himself. Who knew what he was doing?

"Hold on," Lucifer told Linda before removing the phone from his ear. "I'm in the middle of a session that's quite important and private. So, if you wouldn't mind..."

"Session? What are you talking to your shrink?" Dean asked snidely.

"Yes. Thank you for understanding," Lucifer said before waving him off and bringing the phone back to his ear. "Sorry Doctor. Now, back to my offspring."

Dean gaped at him for a minute, as he realized that the dude really did seem to be talking to his shrink. Not knowing what else to say, he started out of the room.

"I don't know what to do here, Doctor. I can't be a father," Lucifer said.

"Look, I know you don't have any experience with children, but..."

"I have experience with children," Lucifer interrupted.

"Right, you've had a few run-ins with Chloe Decker's daughter, but I don't think that qualifies," Linda said.

"No, not the detective's spawn. I've been around other children. I'm the third eldest of many, many siblings. I took care of my brother, Gabriel, solo his entire life," Lucifer said. He felt a pang as soon as Gabriel's name left his lips.

"You what? Then why are you afraid of children?"

"I am not afraid of children," Lucifer said in outrage. "I am the Devil. I'm not afraid of anything. I simply don't like children."

"Was your brother a difficult child?" Linda asked.

"No. Well, yes. Most would consider him difficult with all his tricks. My brother, Michael, was angered by him quite easily. But I didn't consider him as such. If anything, I welcomed his spirit and troublesome ways," Lucifer said with a wistful look on his face. He longed to be back to that time so much, where his baby brother was a carefree fledgling.

"Lucifer, when was the last time you saw your brother?" Linda asked.

"Just before I was kicked out, and just before he ran away," Lucifer said. He would never forget that look in Gabriel's eyes. The happy child was gone. All that was left was a sad, disappointed Archangel. His eyes had haunted Lucifer for a long time.

Lucifer DeuxWhere stories live. Discover now