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Castiel was sitting in the passenger seat of the Impala as Dean drove. They'd been on the road for a few hours. Castiel hadn't said much. He was thinking about how he was going to get Dean to stop antagonizing everyone. He'd honestly believed that was necessary even before Lucifer threatened to leave and take Jack with him. Now it was essential.

Dean looked over at his friend. "What's up with you, man? You've been quiet since we left the bunker, and you look like there's a lot on your mind."

"There is? I am contemplating how to tell you you're acting like an assbutt," Castiel said bluntly.

Dean looked at him irritably. "Okay, first off, it's asshole, not assbutt. If you're going to insult me, at least get it right! Second, what the hell is everyone's problem? I treat the Devil like he deserves, and everyone acts like I'm the dick."

"Perhaps it is the way you do it. No one is asking you to like Lucifer. I doubt even he cares if you have a problem with it. But is it really necessary to mention it every second? We know how you feel. Why do you have to keep pointing it out? Why do you have to frighten Gabriel or upset Jack? Why must you take your anger out on your brother?" Castiel asked.

"Because the asshole is snowing everyone!" Dean screamed. "He's got everyone thinking he's a good guy! How does the damn Devil have so many people under his thumb?!"

"No one is under his thumb, Dean, but the fact that he isn't what we thought he was has to be taken under consideration. He isn't evil, Dean. He isn't what we thought," Castiel said. Honestly, a large part of him wished Lucifer was evil because that would mean he could justify trying to stop him from taking Jack when he left.

"The hell he's not! He's responsible for the freaking apocalypse. Not to mention that he's screwing around with my brother!" Dean said.

"The apocalypse didn't start because of Lucifer. It started because it was foretold, and because Michael and Raphael made sure it did," Castiel said.

"It wouldn't have happened if he hadn't literally created a monster," Dean said.

"What would possibly make you think that? That monster was going to exist in one form or another. It is literally the Mark of Cain infused with archangel Grace, and its former host was Lucifer. You of all people know what the Mark can do. If Lucifer had allowed it to destroy him, he would be that monster, and he would have gladly fought Michael. In fact, it probably would've happened much sooner since he wasn't actually locked up," Castiel said.

"Then he should've found another way!" Dean fumed.

"Like we did? We didn't exactly handle your Mark any better. Perhaps that's why you're so angry. Because Lucifer managed to find a way to free himself from the Mark before it got completely out of hand," Castiel said.

"No, I'm pissed because he's the Devil, and he's sinking his claws into my little brother!"

"Sam and Lucifer are not together, Dean. It is ridiculous that you'd think that," Castiel said.

"I know what I see!" Dean yelled.

"You are seeing something that is not there. Sam isn't interested in Lucifer. His interests lie with Gabriel," Castiel said. He felt a little bad violating Sam's privacy, but he had to get Dean to see how ridiculous he was being. It was the only way to get him to stop what he was doing.

Dean looked at him in surprise. "Did he tell you that?"

"No, he didn't have to. I can see it. Everyone but you can see it. Well, with the exceptions of perhaps Jack and Gabriel," Castiel said.

"Even if you're right, that's not any better, not everything that dick's done. So, either way, my brother is falling for something he should never think of touching," Dean said.

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