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Ex sat in the darkened shadows of a cramped cell, deep within the castle. He was not sure how long he had been sitting there, staring blankly out at nothing. He could see the light spilling through the bars of his cage, but his mind refused to focus on it, his mind refusing to think about anything but how cold and empty the dungeon felt.

His so-called 'mother' kept him here until he was ready to behave, like a toddler being put into time-out. The thought was humiliating, really. He hated being told what to do, hated being treated like a caged animal in a zoo. But it was better than being a mindless servant in a cult,  that's for damn sure.

Ex let out a long sigh as his thoughts wandered again, his mind returning to his current situation. Soon enough, Sylvia would lose patience with her son. It was only a matter of time before she took away his choice and forced him to join the cult. Ex couldn't stand the thought of being one of them, he'd much rather be dead than join such a vile group. And yet here he was, stuck in this hellish place with no chance of escape until the day his life ended.

The door suddenly slammed open; the sound echoing throughout the small room and bringing Ex back from his daze. His head shot up, his eyes immediately focusing onto his brother's form, which stood in front of the entrance to the prison. "Well, if it isn't the momma's boy." He sneered harshly, "Come to try and convince me to join you?"

Xisuma ignored the sly remarks, walking towards his brother's cell. "Xanthus—" he tried to speak, though Ex scoffed at him.

"You know my real name. Use it if you actually want me to talk to you."

"Your name is Xanthus." He said with a firm voice. The younger brother just rolled his eyes, ignoring what his brainwashed sibling had said.

Silence hung around them for a few moments, both brothers staring at each other without saying another word. The silver eye on Xisuma's mask was cold and unblinking, just like the rest of the cult members. Eventually, he sighed before shaking his head in defeat.

"Mother wants you to join us," X finally spoke, stepping closer to the bars of the cage. "I believe that she won't give you much of a choice if you keep denying her. We want you to come back to us, Xanthus! We want to be a family."

"Rot in hell." Ex spat, crossing his arms as he spoke.

The look on X's face turned sour; Ex knew that look far too well. As much as his twin cared for him, Xisuma was brainwashed and far more invested in the cult than Ex's well-being.
"Mother will not allow you to disobey her orders." He warned, looking directly at his little brother. Ex scoffed again.

"Oh yeah? Watch me." He growled, pulling himself out of the corner of his cage. He moved towards the bars, staring his brother in the eyes with a cold gaze. "Tell our 'mother' that I won't bow to this cult of hers."

"Please reconsider your decision..." Xisuma begged, reaching through the bars to grasp his little brother's arm. Ex pulled away instantly, glaring at his brother hatefully.

"Leave." He growled, clenching his fists. "I'm sick of talking to you."

The older brother seemed to hesitate for a brief moment, unsure whether or not to leave his sibling alone. Finally he gave a defeated nod, turning on his heel and exiting the dungeon before the other could change his mind. The door swung shut and Ex found himself back in the darkness once again, the silence overwhelming.

The Silver Sun - A Hermitcraft Watcher AUWhere stories live. Discover now