Special Thanks

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This is probably my favorite work I've ever written. Each chapter I tried my best to pour my heart and soul into the writing, and I worked so hard to bring the story to life in the interactions between characters, lore of the story, and everything in between.

I'm so happy with how things have turned out, though I might decide to add an epilogue with Taurtis and Xisuma helping those who were brainwashed into the Cult of the Silver Sun. It might come a little later depending on my motivation, I'd like to totally give an ending to all the Hermits. Especially with how they're all dealing with the aftermath.

But anyway, I wanted to give a few really special people shoutouts for all their support.

magicallity- is an awesome friend of mine who gives me so much support and love for this book. You might recognize them, as they were the figure with pink hair in chapter ten. I gave them a little cameo because they always talked about wanting to be apart of the cult, so I decided to surprise them. They are incredible and I'm so lucky to have gotten to know them!

KitExists is another recognizable one. They drew Sylvia for me to bring the character to life, which was so super kind of them to do! They're such a talented artist who created an amazing drawing from just the simple description of Sylvia in such a short amount of time.

Sweetest-Honeybee on Tumblr/Rosie_b_bee on Instagram is another artist with INCREDIBLE SKILL! They actually came up with the design of the silver armor that Xisuma wore in the final Hermit v Hermit battle. They sent me the design and I knew I just had to include it in the next chapter. Their art is stunning and I'm still so honored that they made such beautiful fanart. (Make sure you give these people a follow or like their posts, they're all so amazing and there's so many more people I wish I could thank, but I don't want this list to go on forever—)

And of course, all of you! Your comments always inspire me to work harder on each and every chapter of every book I produce, and I am so thankful that you even clicked on this fanfiction. I wouldn't have had so much inspiration and motivation if it wasn't for the gigantic amount of support from all of you!

I just wanted to fully express my gratitude for each and every one of you. It means so much to mean that you read and enjoyed this fanfic. So once again, thank you!

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