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Grian clutched the mysterious mask that he had received in one hand, the builder stalking the soon-to-be victim of his 'prank'. Seated on a rooftop in Aque, the sweater-wearing hermit kept lookout as the sun began to set over the shopping district. He had practiced flying and diving through the air enough to feel confident in his plan.

It was simple enough, when a hermit would enter their bed to try and get some rest, Grian was planning on diving down from the rooftop, close enough to place the mask on their face. He'd be able to get away in seconds, and it would take the hermit some time to scramble out of bed and get the mask off, enough time for him to get away.

His target? Simple: Bdubs.

And right on time, the mayor's assistant was rushing towards his bed, trying to get to sleep before the mobs could spawn. Grian pulled out a rocket in his other hand, watching carefully as Bdubs pulled himself under the covers, slowly shutting his eyes.

With that, Grian silently dove off the building, gliding down without using any rockets. He tried not to make a sound as he flew closer, the Brit extending his arms to place the mask onto Bdubs' face as he slowly flew over the bed. Without a moment of hesitation, Grian fired a rocket and flew off without looking back.

When the mask was placed over Bdubs' eyes, the builder fell out of his bed in surprise. He was expecting some sort of undead monster of phantom that was attacking, but he was met with something worse.

It felt like something was welding to his skin, sticking to his face. Bdubs let out a screech in pain as he tried to pull the mask off, but it didn't seem to budge. It was like someone lit his face on fire, the pain overwhelming as the mask seared Bdubs' face.

He was on the ground, squirming and writhing in pain as the mask attached itself to Bdubs' face. The mayor's assistant opened his mouth once again, possibly to scream for help or just cry out in pain, maybe both, but not even a squeak was able to escape.

As the pain began to fade, a faint buzzing rung through Bdubs' head, like some sort of odd headache. He stayed on the ground for a moments, trying to collect himself after the intense pain that had overtaken him.

Bdubs took in a few deep breaths to steady his racing heart, slowly sitting up with what little energy he had left. The builder took a moment to slowly examine his surroundings, as if this was his first time seeing the shopping district. Everything seemed faintly tinted with silver, which only worsened his headache.

Groaning, Bdubs stumbled to his feet, relying on the bed next to him to help him stand. He squeezed his eyes shut, everything hurt more than he imagined, every movement or touch sent a sudden shock throughout Bdubs' entire body.

He was visibly shaking, sitting on the edge of the bed as thoughts raced through his head. Bdubs slowly moved a hand up to his face, trying to feel the mask on his face, but he couldn't feel it. It was like the mask was suddenly gone.

"Bdubs?" Scar called nearby, the mayor's voice sending a jolt of pain throughout his mind. The builder flinched as the terraformer placed a hand on his shoulder, Bdubs pulling away to prevent anymore pain.

"Are you alright? I would have thought that you would be sleeping by now-"

Bdubs turned to look Scar in the eyes as he spoke, but the terraformer froze as he saw his assistant's face. "What's with the mask?" The mayor pointed out in question, Bdubs' hand shaking as he touched his cheek.

"What mask?" He muttered the question quietly. "I don't feel anything."

Scar frowned, grabbing onto the edge of the mask to try and pull it off his face. The silver eye shut tightly as Bdubs flinched once again, clearly in pain. "S-stop! Please!" The mayor's assistant begged as he slapped Scar's hand away, holding his head in pain as the terraformer let go.

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