Chapter 16

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[Law's POV]

Did I tell her everything? About Flevance? About The Family? About Cora-san?

Her Haki is fluctuating and I feel some emotions from her.

Love, Sadness and Nervousness.

She has feelings for me?

" Did I really tell you my true name?" I ask her

She nods and whispers, " Trafalgar D Water Law right?"

Apart from those three, no one else in the crew knows about my true name as well as the "Eternal Youth Surgery" which is an operation I vowed myself not to do at any point in my life. Now, she also knows thanks to my excess drinking.

" Captain, I won't tell anyone about this I promise with my life and..."
" It's okay, I trust you, Y/N-ya."

" You do Captain?"

I tilt my head to the left, " Yes I do and don't tell anyone about the surgery. It's an order."

" Y-Yes Captain!" She says while taking the food tray and bowl from me.

" If you need anything Captain. Please let me know.."

She walks away.

Damn! She might have feelings for me but I don't think I feel the same for her. It's not right for me to get into a relationship with a crew member, this would make things awkward for all of us.

She's at a sensitive position mentally, trying to process all of the newly found information about her body and the abilities. I have to figure out a way to bring her memories back without her mental state being compromised.

I open up the drawer to take up my hangover nausea pill and quickly freshen up for the day. I wear an oversized hoodie and pants while waiting for the drug to kick in.

I walk out of the door, seeing Penguin and Shachi sober in the crew lobby.

" Captain, are you all right?"
" Yes, I am. We all drunk too much yesterday and really troubled our Navigators."
" Or you mean, our adorable little sister...Y/N-chan."

" Oi! She's just a crew member for me. At most we have a Captain-Crew, Doctor-Patient relationship. Nothing more."

Penguin rolls his eyes and I climb up to the engine room to check up the coordinates for the next location and the journey progress. I look up the sea currents and guide the helmsman for the path ahead.

The Tang shakes from the current movements.

" Check the stats now!"
" Yes, Captain!"

The sirens turn red, indicating a change in air pressure.

"Captain! We need to surface it now!"
" Do It!"
" Yes, Captain!"

The boys press a few buttons and the submarine start to ascend upwards to the surface level. I wait for the signals to indicate for the mast to be opened up for sailing.

" The Engine overheated so, we need a few hours before we could dive down." Uni adds

" Open up the mast and set course for our next destination."

The Engineering team starts their work as I leave for my office. Y/N-ya opens the door with the office being dust-free, those shadowy figures floating around her with a dust pan and broom. A bucket hits on my forehead

" Oops! I forgot to control that! I was working on how to control four of the tendrils at the same time!"

" Captain, are you okay?"

She brings her hand close to my forehead.

"You are bleeding, let me clean the wound."
" It's okay, I can handle it."

" Let me do it, Captain."

I wave my hands in agreement to her request and sit on the chair. She keeps all the cleaning equipment in the corner and sanitises her hands with a solution. She sits next to me, opening the box.

The purple hue on the left eye is covering nearly half of the iris. Her right eye still has the Chocolate hue. The oddly coloured pair is adorned by long lashes. Her arm tattoo with the Owl on her inner forearm peeking out of the tshirt's sleeve along with a tiny glimpse on the trail of stars on the collarbone.

She dabs the cotton ball into the antiseptic solution to disinfect the wound.

My eye muscles squint from the sensation of the disinfectant from the wound and she cleans the wound. She applies a band-aid onto the cut near my right eyebrow.

" I'm glad its a small cut."
" Yeah...Thank you for the help....Penguin-ya, taught you well."

She smiles unusually. Her cheeks pushing upwards with a very wide smile held by two of her fingers.

" Y/N-ya, you shouldn't smile like this. It will scare anyone out."

" Sachi-san said, its easier to smile like this."

" Don't do this anywhere outside...."

She doesn't know how to smile. She's really being more strange for me to understand as I know her at a deeper level. First the Anatomy, the habits, possibly having feelings for me and now this.

" How should I smile then?"
" You don't know how to smile?"

She shakes her head.

" You should think of the person who makes you happy...."

" That's a tough idea. Who should I think of?"

" How about Bepo? You always stick with him."

Her lips form a small line. Cheeks slightly lifted up. It doesnt look naturally but still not very unatural as well.

" Not bad...but it can improve."
" How can I improve?"

" Think of the person you like the most."

She covers her cheeks, " A-A-Anyone?"
" Yes, Anyone. This is your homework for the day. We will talk more in the session tomorrow morning."

" Okay, Captain."

She takes the cleaning supplies and closes the door. I open up my book on memory loss recovery methods. However, one image continues to hover in my mind.

That awkward yet adorable smile on Y/N-Ya.

====(Author's Note)====

Sorry for the sudden break again! It's due to my grandma passing away after the release of chapter 15.

I needed time to privately grief and come to terms with it, so I couldn't drop a longer update. I'm mentally at a better position than before, however for a while the upcoming chapter updates will be slightly slower than before. More regular Updates will continue from August 2022.

See you soon

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