Chapter 33 + Special Message

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[3 days Later]

" Is this the last box?" I ask Uni
" Yes, this is all of the anesthesia which we have." he replied

I release the shadow tendrils and lift them to the deck.

The medical and the engineering team are working together to prepare the ammunition to contain the anesthesia.

On this Island, there is no order. Pirates stay rampant and do anything that they desire to do. It is also one of the core areas which was once dominated by the "Five Families of the West" for their weapons trade, later on it was abandoned by a war raged by Bege back in West Blue. There was a passage for underworld as well but it is sealed off currently. This area is also considered to be forbidden for all the Underworld Businesses as well.

The enviroment is said to be as same as Blackbeard's territories, which are called as the "Paradise of Pirates".

Lawless, Chaotic and all that represents the negatives in the world.

I had to arrange for a certain drug which was added into the anesthesia so that the Pirates as in a coma like state for a month along with an "Eternal Pose",  a special kind of Log Pose, which acts as a compass which will bring the owner to this island.

Bepo is setting the Eternal Pose to the direction of this Island using the magnetic forces of the map rooms log pose.

First step for Law-San's Revenge Plan : To become the final Warlord of the Sea

I have to stay on the Polar Tang to look after this chest. A Wooden Chest with a metallic layer on the inside and a keyhole on the outside. The chest is painted in yellow, just like thr submarine.

This chest is where all of the living hearts will be stored along with the Log Pose.

" I hate to leave my sister alone here." Shachi-San says

" It's alright, Shachi-San. Someone has to take care of those hearts after all." I add

" Especially the one of course." he chuckles
" Hahaha, thats so funny." I hiss

"Take this."

He tosses me a small cylindrical device.

" The Engineering folks made it. It has a small red button, click that and wear it on your ear."

" What does it do?"

" You can hear someone and even talk to them. The Engineering guys made it so that it's easier to communicate within a short range and coordinate our strategies quickly."

" Like a tiny transponder snail right?"
" Yes, the team had to adjust the frequencies accordingly so that no one else can hear the crew's conversations."

I exclaim with pride, " That's a brilliant idea, Shachi-San."

" Of course it is! It's my idea after all." He remarked

Our crew really has the most intelligent minds within the sea. Doctors, Engineers, Mechanics etc.

I wish I could be half smart as them.

He dismounts the submarine. Bepo gives me a hug and leaves. The boys leave one by one except for Hakugan by the helm of the submarine in thr engine room and two others of the engineering team to be at the operations area incase we have to escape quickly.

I look at the sky alone as I wear my mask.

I hope Law-San comes back safely.

===[POV Change]===

[Law's POV]

I already went inside the island in order to evaluate the number of pirates and check their strength. I sense their Haki, which is barely developed or not developed at all. The only strong yet familiar presence I could feel is a distant vibe from the direction of the submarine.

I keep a tight grip on Kikoku and look around the surroundings, checking for any potential  hostile pirates, Marines or Doflamingo.

A drunk pirate bumps into me.

" Didn't see ya, skeleton."

I smirk, " It will be you now.."


I concentrate to create a 'Room', big enough to cover the perimeter of the island.

This time it's slight above my limits and it could take a little bit off my lifespan.

" Shambles."

I teleport away a few inches away from him and aim at his chest. My fingers hit his chest, removing his heart inside a cube. I hold the heart in my hands and squeeze it.

He falls down on his knees, croaks in pain.

" Stop it." He croaks again


The man's head is dragged by Jean Bart and he's knocked out due to the concussion.

"Captain, are you alright?" He asks
" Yes, I am. Next time, just knock them out. Don't kill them."
" Aye, Aye, Captain." He snorts

I keep my focus on maintaining the room and teleport that Heart Cube towards the submarine.

" Law-San, Can you hear me?" I hear a voice in my ear

I tap the button on the circular thing Shachi gave me.

" Yes, I can. My love"

" Umm.....Law-San..."

I chuckle, " Did you get the thing?"
" The Heart in the cube? In which the heart is beating?"

" Yes, Yes. I will be sending them one by one. Fill the chest with it." I tell her
" Alright, Law-San."
" Is there anything else you want to say?"

" Stay Safe, Riceball."

Ahh..Once Again.

That's cute, Heartbeat-ya.

" Of.."
" Captain, come here. We have knocked some pirates by the shore." Bepo interrupts me

" On my way, Bepo."

I tap on the button and walk ahead towards the shore.

( Author's Message)

Thank you for thr 10K+ reads. I'm delighted that my story has reached such heights in the span of roughly  9 months. I never ever expected to reach such a huge numbers due to the existence of several equally brilliant fanfiction for the character we love a lot.

Apologies for the short chapter! I'm taking my time to recharge in this vacation break as well as doing some remote work irl at the moment.

I will be taking some time to write the new chapters as we will be entering the "Path of Revenge" where we will journey the underworld and face the horrors of the past of our protagonists.

Who was the person in the white coat? What does he want from Y/N (Luna)? Will Law establish his contact with Caesar Clown?

Will this path of revenge either make or break the relationship of the two lovers?

Stay tuned and I hope you all enjoy the story

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