Chapter 17

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(Few Months after the incidents of Chapter 16)


" Is this Rocky Port?" Jean Bart asks as the ship surfaces

" Yes, Bart-San. The sub is surfaced so feel free to check it." I reply

He snorts and climbs upstairs, muttering about how long it was for him to visit this place.

Captain gives a looming glance on me and Bepo, with a serious expression. After the drinking episode, Captain started to behave unaturally serious during the therapy sessions.

Out of nowhere, he tasked me to work on my expressions, saying they look creepy occasionally and doesnt want me to scare the patients the crew treats during their travels. Moreover, he became more protective of the crew by putting himself into danger for no reason. I saw him fight aggressively with Penguin or Shachi while they patched his wounds after crossing paths with one of the supernovas last month who is affiliated to Big Mom, One of the "Four Emperors".

Before going back to Sabaody, he wanted the engine maintenance to be done over here, at Rocky Port. From what I know, Rocky Port is one of the locations heavily connected to the Underworld as well as the Bird-Cage.

I climb out of the trap-door, following Jean Bart who was walking down towards the rugged docks. My mask stays inside the jacket pocket, attached to a magnet for keeping it still.

" It will take a few hours for the engine maintenance to be done, so you guys are free to go around here. Come back here by sunset." Captain announces to the crew

The island is close by a marine base, about 10 nauctial miles away, hence the movements of the citizens is tightly watched.

" Do you want to get something for Captain?" Bepo asks me

" Something for Captain?" I ask him

" His birthday is coming up in 2 days." Bepo adds

Bepo's eyes gleam, " You can take this as a chance to tell your feelings."

" I told you, Its better he doesn't know...."

" Who shouldn't know what?" Penguin blurts out

" Nothing, Penguin-San....Bepo is just saying anything..."

" Bestie has feelings for Captain!"

I punch Bepo on the Stomach.

" I'm Sorry.." Bepo Says as he sulks

" So Weak!" Penguin Mutters

" By the way, I knew that Bepo..." Penguin adds

" What?!" I shriek

" Your face says it all..."

I click my tongue.

" We won't tell it to Law, don't worry about that."
" Fine" I say while rolling my eyes

I walk with both of them around the port, Penguin has a list of the stuff for the 'surprize birthday party'. Bepo keeps a sad face.

" Bepo, it's fine."
" You have to get a Gift for Captain!"

" Okay, I will buy something for him."

Bepo picks me in the air and cuddles me tightly.

" Why are you so cute, Bepo!"

Penguin covers his laugh as the hug gets tighter. I gasp out for air and Bepo releases me.

" I-"

" Don't be. I need your help for the gift."

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