Chapter 12

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Abnormal Blood Tests, Unusual Powers without a devil fruit.


My head starts to feel a sharp pain.

" That's what I am trying to figure out Y/N-Ya but I don't have all the answers to it."

" Answers to what?"

" If you calm down, only then we can talk." He asserts with an authoritative tone

I close my eyes, trying to retract the shadow tendril coming out of me. It takes some of my stamina while bringing it back unlike releasing it where it takes barely any stamina. I need to learn about this as soon as possible.

I follow him to an outdoor cafe, sitting at a private corner as he orders two cups of tea for us. I hand my jacket around my shoulders and slip my hands into the pockets.

" Captain, you said you wanted to talk!"

" I am aware of it, Y/N-ya..." his eyes looking away, checking the surroundings

I slouch into the chair, looking at the table decorations, consisting of a table mat and a napkin holder.

" Captain, can we talk now?" I ask him with my arms crossed

The staff offers us the tea cups with some biscuits, Captains pay for the items along with a tip, sliding a few extra notes into their pocket.

" Of course, Of course. Apart from the fact that you have signs of Partial Heterochromia in your left eye, I was going to disclose all of the medical details in a day or two but you are so curious about it...."

" Hetro-What?"

He takes a sip and continues, " Your left eye has a purplish hue, not the most unusual thing about your anatomy."

"Unusual?" I tilt my head sideways

" Unusual as in your skeleton doesn't fully contain bone marrow and the other components found in the human skeletal system, instead it's a hybrid with Wapometal infused in it."

"What's Wapometal?"

" A type of Metal, known for its temperature tolerance and strong durability." He replies monotonously

Probably, That's why I could tolerate those strong waves underwater or resist strong attacks.

" Besides, when I went through your blood tests, you have immunity to poisons and a lot of our medicines which are in our stock. Still, this data is limited because the Tang lacks the technology for advanced tests I would require to fully analyse you."

He sighs and keeps his cap on the table.

" It's hard to deduce what are you exactly? A cyborg? A superhuman?"

The pain is still there in my head. I clench the teacup handle.

" Oh...alright..then what do you need to figure it out?"

" There are only two ways for acquiring high technology. Either raid a marine base or get it through the underworld."

" Can't we just buy it?"

" We can't! We are pirates! If anyone would sell it to us legally, won't the marines be on our trail?"

I rest my head on the table. No answers. No clue about my identity. It's the same. The same as it was with Dr Kureha.

The pain is still there in my head, though not as strong as it was before. I sip the tea slowly and glance towards Captain. He got the other hand tattooed as well.

" Y/N-Ya, I told you before. This is not your problem alone. I promised to help you out."

"Yes Captain"

" How many times do I tell you not to call me Captain, when we are outside."

He punches lightly on my head."S-Sorry.."

" Also, why decides to get a sleeve tattoo on their arm as their first one?"

"Oh..that....." I hesitate to form an answer

" Is it for moving on from Arabasta?"

He taps on the bandage around my collarbone.

"Yes...Cap...Doctor San!"
"Someone is too shy to say my name." He whispers and smirks

My cheeks start to heat up. Why does this happens when I'm around him?

We continue drinking the tea. It's making my head feel lighter.

The guests are chattering with their fellow people, eating the scrumptious desserts and dishes. He's relaxing on the chair, twirling the cup clockwise. His matching earrings on the lobes match his eyes.

Control yourself! He's your captain/doctor/therapist! You can't fall in love with him!

Why does Trafalgar Law have to be this charming with merely a cup of tea!!!!

" We need to leave from here," Captain mutters under his breath

" Umm, what?" I blink in confusion, my chain of thoughts breakdown" White Chase is here."

He signs to a white-haired man in sunglasses and an open button jacket, covered in smoke. He has a pair of posters in his hand. One of them is Captain himself with a bounty of 200 Million Berries, another is covered in smoke but the amount says 150 Million Berries.

" He has your poster, Captain."

" Thank you for pointing that out, so Y/N-ya, if you permit can we leave?" he hisses

I stand up and follow him to the back door exit of the cafe. The waiter who served us before, ushers us safely outside, away from the sight of the marines. Captain gives him a few notes more and we walk into the crowd. Some of the boys come out of the saloons. They are shabbily dressed and Captain has an awkward expression on his face.

" I think I shouldn't bring you here..."" What's the problem here, Captain?"

He looks away from me. Shachi walks towards us, his jumpsuit buttoned-down exposing his torso and his hat flipped in reverse.

"Law, you should have joined us! We had a great time in there with some of those ladies!" he says while tilting down his glasses

" Don't talk about this in front of her!"

" Y/N-ya, did you both get down on each other?"

" Oi! How dare can you say that?!" Captain shouts at him, his cheeks turn pinkish

" Going down...Shachi-San....."

I turn behind. Oh No...

Why does he have such thoughts? I swear, I'm going to punch him down there and...

" Did you see this person?"

I Bump into a woman in glasses, with a white coat over her shoulders and a katana on her waist

" Do you know anything about the name 'Nightshade'?" she asks while raise the poster to my eye level

I look at the poster.


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