Chapter 13

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*Kellin's POV*

It's finally night time. All day I had been looking forward to sleeping in Vic's arms again. Sounds stupid, but it was honestly the safest and warmest place I'd been in a long time. I felt completely safe with his strong arms holding me, I felt like I really wasn't alone. I'd never had that with anyone else.
"We could sleep in my room this time." Vic said with a chuckle. "Probably better than the couch."
He led me up to his room, which I walked around, pretty much inspecting. It looked like a normal teenagers room, seemed he hadn't made many changes to it since high school. He had a large bed covered with a star patterned blanket, a desk with stacks of barely organized paper and supplies, and tons of posters on the walls. "I like it." Vic smiled. "I'm glad." I continued snooping around, I couldn't help it. When I bent down to look under the bed, Vic lunged at me. "No!" It was too late. I had grabbed the stack of papers from underneath it. He tried snatching them from me, and I quickly looked at what they were. The top one looked like a wedding magazine. "What's this, Vic?" He took this opportunity and grabbed the stack from me. I tackled him and the magazines went flying all over his floor. I sat on top of him so he couldn't move and scanned them all. "Wow. So.. wedding magazines, gay porn magazines, and.. what's that?" I questioned, although Vic was suffocating beneath me. Although I'm light, I was sitting right on his chest. As he gasped for air I picked up the book that caught my attention. It was small and green, with scribbles all over it. I opened it, and noticed Vic wasn't gasping anymore. Shit, did I kill him? No. He was looking up at me sadly, as if he really didn't want me to open it. It was enough to make me get off of him. He stretched his hand out slowly and I gave him back the book. "Sorry, Kells." Somberly, he gathered the stack and put it back under his bed. He dropped the little book on his nightstand and sat on his bed. I sat next to him and grabbed his hand. "Vic?" He sighed. "I'm sorry. That was the journal I kept during.. a rough part of my life." I squeezed his hand, unsure of what to say. "I wouldn't want you to know that side of me." He stretched his arm out in front of me, turning his head to face away from me. There were faint scars all up his arm. My vision went blurry as I felt a familiar sadness welling up. It was all I could do to bring his arm to my chest and squeeze his hand tighter. "I love you." I said, not even thinking about it. Vic looked at me with wide eyes, equally surprised I had just dropped the L bomb. After an awkward pause he smiled and kissed my forehead. "Let's get some sleep, babe." I nodded and we undressed, and he pulled me into bed, holding me even closer than the night before.

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