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I adopted this plot bunny a year or so ago. It really intrigued me. I posted a poll in my group asking which story I should work on next, and this was the winner. It's definitely a WIP. I've only got a rough outline figured out and I'm going back to my roots with this ... writing with a vague plan. I hope that I can do this justice.

None of this is mine ... I wish it was. Sigh ...

We have their wedding, award season for the movie and a glimpse into their future ... including Seth (which may be an out-take, we'll see).

Before I send you on your merry way for this epilogue, thank you to everyone who followed me on this journey. It started as a plot bunny, adopted several years ago, and became this. I truly appreciate each review, kind word and unending support for this story. I'm also so grateful for my amazing banner-maker, manip-queen, Clo (HeartForTwilight). With her graphic design talents, she created both story banners for this story.

And now ... onto the epi!

Chapter Thirty-Eight: Epilogue


The movie, my movie, was met with rousing, amazing reviews and was a hit with both the critics and audiences alike. I was shocked, to say the least. With each interview, each review, and each comment posted online and shared in print media, I felt the tension leave my body, leaving me a boneless heap. After two weeks of promoting the movie, we flew back to San Francisco and decompressed as a family, holing in our new home, and sleeping off the jetlag.

In between much needed naps and bonding as new family, we also started working on planning our wedding. Well, planning and executing said plan.

You'd be shocked how much money talked.

We had everything set up for our August thirteenth nuptials. Caius paid for the venue, the Wandering Tree Estate in Lake Tahoe and was planning on paying for my dress, jewelry, and cake for the reception. Carlisle and Esme were paying for the catering, flowers, and photos. I wanted to help, but my family was covering it all.

The weekend after we'd returned from our whirlwind promotional tour, I was working in the backyard on mapping out my next book series. I was relishing in the quiet as Edward and Seth were out grocery shopping and running errands. Bear was curled up in the shade as I surfed the web, finding photo inspiration for my newest book. Bear's head popped up, woofing quietly. I shielded my eyes, smiling when I saw Caius walking toward me. We'd given him a key since he was considered family. "Hey, Caius. Long time, no see."

"Well, you were traveling the globe," Caius teased, sitting down across from me. He gave Bear a pet before he pushed his sunglasses onto his bald head. "Have you recovered from your jetlag?"

"For the most part," I answered. "What brings you here?"

"Two things," Caius said. "One, I wanted to see my adoptive daughter. It's been far too long, sweetheart. And two, to take you wedding dress shopping."

"Caius ..." I argued. "The dress I wore for the movie premiere was a wedding gown. I can wear that."

"Oh, hell no," Caius grumped. "Edward saw you in that. While it was absolutely beautiful, you deserve a beautiful, one-of-a-kind dress. Since, I'm spending most of next week in court, I want to take you out today. I tried to coordinate with Esme to come with us, but she had some emergency down in Los Angeles."

"Is everything alright?" I asked, closing my laptop.

"Some model broke out in hives or something, begging Esme to support her or whatever," Caius snickered, waving his hand dismissively. "I have Esme's phone number if you find something. We can video call her."

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