Chapter Twenty-One

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I adopted this plot bunny a year or so ago. It really intrigued me. I posted a poll in my group asking which story I should work on next, and this was the winner. It's definitely a WIP. I've only got a rough outline figured out and I'm going back to my roots with this ... writing with a vague plan. I hope that I can do this justice.

None of this is mine ... I wish it was. Sigh ...

Anyhow, up next will be Christmas and meeting Carlisle and Esme. We're also going to have some citrusy moments. Not a full glass of lemonade, but just enough to quench your thirst.

In case you haven't noticed, I didn't update last week. I'm running out of the surplus of chapters. I'm also struggling to find time to write. RL is sucking the life out of me. So, until things calm down or I can get another surplus of chapters, updates will be every other week. My apologies. Thank you for your patience ...

Chapter Twenty-One


"Mom, I cannot believe we're taking a private plane to Los Angeles. How cool is that?" Seth gushed as we drove down the highway to the airport in the back of a limousine. Instead going to the commercial terminals, we were going to the private, executive entrance for the private chartered plane which we were taking down to visit Edward. "Do you think it's going to be a big plane or tiny?"

"I don't know, kiddo," I chuckled, my fingers idly petting Bear's ears. The dog snuggled closer to me, putting his head on my lap. "I'm just excited to spend a couple of weeks with my two best guys."

"Do you think we can go to Disneyland? You already went with Edward the last time you were down in Los Angeles, but can we go? As, um, a family?" Seth asked. "It'll probably be crazy busy because of the holiday, but ..."

"I'm pretty certain that we can make that work," I smiled. "If not this time around, maybe during spring break."

"Edward will be filming," Seth explained. "He starts in March, and he films through I think September."

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"It was an email that Edward sent me and you, Mom," Seth snickered, pulling up his email on his phone. "See? It's to both of us."

"Oh," I shrugged. "Edward pretty much told me about the locations they chose for filming, but nothing about the schedule. The only scheduling thing we needed to address was auditions for the main characters, which is happening the first couple of weeks of the new year."

After our trip to Los Angeles, Edward would fly back with us for auditions. The studio was flying the actors into San Francisco, booking them rooms in the St. Regis. Edward was going to stay with me, but Elliott, Demetri, and Gianna, along with their staff, were also staying at the St. Regis. However, after the movie was cast, I was going to step back and wait to see it until the movie premiered.

"Mom! You're spacing out," Seth said, waving his hand.

"Sorry," I murmured, giving him a gentle smile. "Just a long day. I did some work on my new series, and did some promotional work for my latest novel that came out. I might have to go to a bunch of book conventions after the first of the year."

"Fun. Can I come with you?" Seth asked.

"No, you can't. You've got school," I quipped. "You'll stay with Aunt Rose and Uncle Emmett."

"What about you?" Seth pushed. "You need someone with you. What if my sperm donor ...?"

"I've got a restraining order and the conventions are outside of the state, even outside of the country! Your sperm donor doesn't have a passport. One is in Nashville in February and then the next conventions are in the summer, in Canada, Dallas, and Washington D.C. The last one is in Vegas in October," I explained.

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