Chapter Seven

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I adopted this plot bunny a year or so ago. It really intrigued me. I posted a poll in my group asking which story I should work on next and this was the winner. It's definitely a WIP. I've only got a rough outline figured out and I'm going back to my roots with this ... writing with a vague plan. I hope that I can do this justice.

None of this is mine ... I wish it was. Sigh ...

We're going back to Bella and pick up with her party. We're also going to hear how Seth came into this world along with some Seth/Bella bonding time.

Chapter Seven


I worked for most of the morning and into the early afternoon. Seth came back, soaked to the skin with sweat. He was smiling widely and I knew he had a good time. He tried to hug me, but I pushed him toward the shower because his twelve-year-old pre-teen body was smelly.

After he'd showered, I did the same and got ready for the party at the café. I put on a red polka dot dress with a full skirt and applied my makeup lightly. "You look really good, Mom. Just imagine going to a movie premier. Do you think I'll meet Iron Man? Oooh, or Thor?"

"You never know," I quipped, rolling my eyes at my son. "Do you know if things are set up downstairs?"

"They are. Aunt Rose said we can come down at any time," Seth grinned, offering me his arm. "Shall we?"

"I'll have the most handsome date ever," I said, looping my arm through his.

"I have the prettiest mom ever," he beamed, kissing my cheek. "Let's go!"

Walking down the stairs, we entered the McCoffee Café. The entire shop had been decorated with streamers, twinkle lights and there was some quiet music playing. "Oh, wow," I whispered. The décor was in the same color scheme of the cover of my novel. "This is beautiful."

"Nothing but the best for my mom," Seth breathed, hugging me tightly. "I love you, Mommy. I'm so proud of you."

The café was filled with my adopted family of Rose, Emmett and their children, Lily, Maggie and Liam. Jasper was there with our friends from the publishing house, including Jason Jenks, the in-house attorney. The remaining people were employees and patrons from the café who supported me while I wrote Long and Winding Road.

Rose glided over to me, wearing a pretty purple dress. She handed me a glass of champagne. "To Isabella Swan, New York Times and USA Today best-selling author, winner of Good Reads Fiction Book of the Year and now author of the newest movie blockbuster from Summit Studios, Long and Winding Road! Congratulations, girl!" She hugged me, kissing my cheeks.

"To Bella!" Emmett cheered, holding up a bottle of beer.

"To my mom!" Seth beamed, hugging me tightly.

I blushed and held onto my son, my anchor to the world. I let everyone cheer for me, but if they only knew the true story behind that novel. It was my story, fictionalized and simplified. The main character, Charlotte, dealt with only a minute fraction of the nightmare I'd endured when Jacob kicked me out of the only home my son had known.

"Do you mind if I steal your mom, Seth?" Jasper asked.

"It's cool! Cooper and Nick are here," Seth replied, kissing my cheek. "I hope you don't mind I invited them."

"Of course not, baby," I answered. "Have fun."

Jasper, dressed in a suit without a tie, led me toward Jenks. Jason Jenks was a tall man with a blindingly white smile and rich mocha skin. He had a goatee with white hairs sprinkled through. They matched the greys in his closely-cropped hair. "Jenks, you remember Isabella Swan, yes?" Jasper asked.

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