Chapter Fifteen

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I adopted this plot bunny a year or so ago. It really intrigued me. I posted a poll in my group asking which story I should work on next, and this was the winner. It's definitely a WIP. I've only got a rough outline figured out and I'm going back to my roots with this ... writing with a vague plan. I hope that I can do this justice.

None of this is mine ... I wish it was. Sigh ...

Now, I'm well aware that Los Angeles and San Francisco are both in California. However, they are on opposite extremes. Essentially, a state away ... Even though I live in Chicago, I feel like Carbondale, on the southern extreme of Illinois, is a state away as well. I'm not stupid.

Up next will be Edward's date with Bella. Where do you think they'll go? Bella is also going to return to San Francisco. How soon do you think it'll be until Edward follows her? And what about those emails that were sent to Alice?

This chapter is dedicated to Grandmachix ...

Chapter Fifteen


Waking up the following morning, I was curled on my side. There was a heavy arm around my waist, along with a strong body pressed to my back. I shifted, becoming more aware. I was in bed and then, I remembered. Edward slept with me. He held me gently, keeping me pressed to his side. I opened my eyes, grinning widely when I saw Edward's tattooed arm holding me close to his body. I idly traced the black swirls on his skin.

"That tickles," Edward murmured, his voice deep with sleep.

"Sorry," I giggled. "I was just examining your tattoo. It's so pretty."

"I didn't get it to be pretty," he snickered, drawing me closer to his muscular body and kissing my neck. "I got it as a form of self-expression."

"Well, that may be the case, but the details are pretty, but masculine," I said. "Why did you add the armor around your family's crest?"

"In order to be in this industry, you have to have some pretty thick skin. There were times when I felt pretty exposed, even when I was composed outwardly," he explained. "When rumors are flying about you and about your relationships, it's hard to ignore it. But, you learn quickly to avoid the rag magazines and the tabloids. My publicist handles that, along with my legal team."

"Alice took care of your public image?" I asked.

"She was one facet of my team. Now, Felix, my new attorney, is working with my publicist. I recommend you hire one as well," Edward suggested.

"An attorney or publicist?"

"Both," he answered honestly.

"I do have an attorney through the publishing house. I've handled all my public relations on my own, or with Jasper's help," I said.

"With the movie, you might want to hire a publicist to help organize any interviews and publicity for the movie," Edward suggested. "I could have my publicist help out. He's amazing."

"Is he local to Los Angeles?"

"He is, but he's got clients all over the world," Edward smiled. "Jared likes to travel."

"I'll think about it, but you promised a day of no work," I quipped, turning in his arms, and brushing my fingers through his messy locks.

"I wouldn't mind staying in bed with you," he purred, pulling me closer to his body. "I like this. Waking up with you. Holding you."

"I think I got the best night's sleep in your arms," I said, blushing furiously. "Well, the first night in a long time." I traced my fingers along the edge of his sleep shirt. I could see some more ink against his skin, just hiding beneath his shirt. It was a quote. "What does this say?"

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