Chapter Thirty-Five

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I adopted this plot bunny a year or so ago. It really intrigued me. I posted a poll in my group asking which story I should work on next, and this was the winner. It's definitely a WIP. I've only got a rough outline figured out and I'm going back to my roots with this ... writing with a vague plan. I hope that I can do this justice.

None of this is mine ... I wish it was. Sigh ...

We're getting closer to the end. We'll have some family time in the next chapter, along with some citrusy times. I'm not planning on getting into the nitty-gritty of the trial. I'm not a lawyer, nor do I pretend to be. I'm just a choral director with an overactive imagination.

Chapter Thirty-Five


Driving back to the house, we all changed out our dress clothes. Bella checked in with Rose and Emmett while Seth went scrounging for something to eat. "Son, we're going for a picnic," I quipped.

"I'm hungry. I couldn't eat breakfast because I was too nervous," he said, his mouth full of some cereal. He looked at me. "You're not going to cook, are you?"

"One time," I huffed. "I burnt dinner one time!"

"You burnt dinner to a crisp, Edward," Bella teased. "It wasn't salvageable. The smell didn't leave the house for well over a month. Even now, there's a hint of burnt smell."

"I promise to not cook," I snickered. "I can chop things and then we can go exploring ..."

"Good thing you have a bunch of nosh in the fridge," Bella quipped, pulling out containers of pasta salad, antipasto, vegetables, crackers, meat, and cheese. Tossing in a few bottles of water, some soda, and cookies, we loaded up into the Range Rover. I navigated the freeway, arriving at Griffith Park. Bella giggled.

"What is it, Mom?" Seth asked.

"It was about a year ago that we had our first date. At this very park ..." she responded, looking at me with a fond, loving smile. "A year ..."

"Actually, our anniversary is tomorrow," I grinned, parking the car.

"Yeah, you need to go out on a date or something," Seth said. "Without me. I love you both, but if I learned anything about all this is that you need cherish the ones you love. Mom, you've been a rock for me and my fears, dealing with my mood changes, but when was the last time you did something for yourself? For each other?"

"Seth, when you have children, you will learn that your world revolves around them. I'd do anything for you," Bella said. "As would Edward."

"I know that. Especially now," Seth argued as we got out of the car. We grabbed the picnic basket with a blanket that I had in the storage of the back of the SUV. We walked to a beautiful meadow and sat down in the shade a large tree overlooking the city of Los Angeles. Before we could get comfortable, Seth shot me a look. "Dad, I think I left something in the car. Can you come with me?"

"Stay with your mom. I'll get it," I offered.

"I'm not sure where I left it. Mom, we'll be right back," Seth said, grabbing my arm and dragging me away from a perplexed Bella. She shook her head, spreading out the blanket and pulling out the containers.

"What did you forget, kiddo?" I asked.

"I didn't forget anything. Mom came downstairs before I could I talk to you," Seth said, arching a brow at me.

"You're as subtle as a Mack truck, Seth," I laughed.

"I wanted to apologize first," Seth whispered, looking at me warily. "I was awful to you when we got here – a total asshole."

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