Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I adopted this plot bunny a year or so ago. It really intrigued me. I posted a poll in my group asking which story I should work on next, and this was the winner. It's definitely a WIP. I've only got a rough outline figured out and I'm going back to my roots with this ... writing with a vague plan. I hope that I can do this justice.

None of this is mine ... I wish it was. Sigh ...

Next chapter, you're going to hear from Seth. A new voice :-)

We're going to have some Seth and Edward bonding time, planning a date for his mother and a citrusy moment between Edward and Bella before he leaves to begin filming, dinner with Caius and some resolution with the CPS thing.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


My anger was spiraling out of control. It started with that letter that was sent to my mom's work. I punched my fist through a wall, and I felt better. Until my fist started throbbing. Edward was there as I lost it in Caius's office. He held me as I raged. He loved me, unconditionally. Just like he loved my mom ...

Then, that hateful lady coming over and calling my mom a slut because she had me while she was so young. It wasn't her fault. It was my sperm donor's fault. He kept going, even after she said no.

I'm twelve and I know that if a girl, or a boy, says no, you stop.

After that lady left, I was pacing in my room when all I wanted to do was slam my fists into her face. Then, you'd be no better than the man who fathered you.

There was a quiet knock on the door. I opened the door, finding Edward standing on the other side, wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. His green eyes were swirling with concern. "Caius is taking your mom to her therapist. I figured you needed someone to talk to."

"Can I go to my therapist?" I asked.

"Bella tried, but the earliest she can get you in is tomorrow morning," Edward answered, wrinkling his nose. "So, I'm taking you to a gym."

"What? Why?" I pressed.

"Because, you look moments away from putting your fist through this wall. Jane and Caius were kind enough to not charge you or Bella for your tantrum earlier in the week," Edward smirked.

"You paid them anyway," I said, shooting him a wry look. "But, why a gym?"

"So, you can hit something and not break your knuckles or the walls," Edward murmured. He sat down on my unmade bed. "Seth, you've been through the wringer. I get it. You're pissed. Hell, I'm pissed. It took all my control not to pop off some snide remark to that despicable human who came to evaluate the 'rightness' of the loving home you live in. People like her have no right to pass judgment when they can't see past the nose on their face."

"Okay," I mumbled, biting my thumbnail. "Let me change."

"And, afterward, we'll get something to eat. Caius is going to talk to your mom, get her to calm down," Edward smiled. "I can only say so much, but your mom needs someone to talk to outside of the situation."

"But, Caius isn't outside of the situation," I argued. "He's right in the middle of the situation."

"He's in the middle, as your attorney, but he can help your mom with the emotional implications of what happened to her," Edward said, giving me a look of concern. "I'm here for you to talk to ... with what happened ..."

"I think talking will be better after I hit the gym," I mumbled, finding a pair of basketball shorts with a t-shirt and my sneakers. "I want to ... slam my fists into the wall."

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