Chapter 10

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Author's POV
After Orlando saved his daughter and his friend Duke Crepus that is one of the 3 Dukes in Mondstadt.

Bennett arrived along with Kaeya, Diluc and Carol who were panting heavily trying to run fast to the location.

"Lady Y/N!"

"Morrigan!" {Nickname for Y/N by Bennett}


They shouted, Orlando put Y/N down on  the ground gently letting her friends come to her as he put down Crepus so his sons can check him.

"Morrigan! I-I heard that you were attack by a dragon! So we can quickly as we could! It's a relief your alright."

Bennett told her with his heavy breathing of tiredness and in relief as Y/N smiled at him and patted his head in reassurance.

"Thank you for worrying about me Bennett."

Y/N said as Bennett's eyes sparkled when he felt warm comforting hand on his head that he have been looking for in his life.

"Lady Y/N are injured anywhere??"

Carol asked Y/N with her nervous and worry expression written on her face while checking her.

While Diluc and Kaeya were relieved to see their father alive and bowed at the Ruler of Liyue for saving their father.

"Take care of your reckless father and do not let him use any delusion to fight."

Orlando told them which Diluc nodded while Crepus rolled his eyes at his old friend who is scolding him again like they used too when they were young until now.

While Kaeya was taking care of Crepus, Diluc stand up and went towards Orlando.

"We are very grateful to you for saving our father so If you need anything from us please don't hesitate to ask, We are ready to give you everything, It's our payment for saving my father's life."

Orlando laughs at Diluc's words as they heard a loud cough coming from Y/N's direction while h they saw a crimson liquid came from her mouth and landed on her hand that was covered with blood that she cough.

This made Carol and Bennett who was in front of her panic and scared.

Diluc, Crepus and Kaeya were shocked to see the princess cough a blood which they also tried to help her.

"Y/N! Hang in there, We'll call a healer immediately!"

Bennett said as he was about carry Y/N when someone beat him to it.

Orlando didn't hesitate to teleport beside Y/N and carried his daughter in bridal style while having a saddened expression watching his daughter breathing heavily in pain in his arms as he look at Diluc.

"Where is your healer? Send one in here immediately, If my daughter dies then don't blame me if I destroy this nation."

He said with his deep tone of his voice with his red aura around him emitting from his body as a warning to them making Diluc nodded immediately and runs away to find a healer immediately.

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