Lost and found

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Kai's POV
When the alarm went off, my vision grew blurry, I was incapable of any sight so I used my elemental power as my advantage. I heard a loud beep and felt the smoke escape from me, so I let it guide me. I stepped out squinting my eyes aggressively as a saw a figure tracking themselves towards me, out of panic I tackled them, to show them I was able to defend myself I slashed my claws lightly on their skin. Yet I was unsure where I did so, a heard a similar yelp as I felt electic energy attack my body, I screamed in agony falling to the white tiled floor. It wasn't that painful, more like surprising, I felt as I needed to get up and defend myself against whatever was in my reach. Yet as I was about to step up I felt a cold sensation glue my hands and legs together, 'This feels familiar...Now that I think about it..the shock seemed familiar aswell..'  I thought to myself...I could hear voices, they were muffled, but I could still recognize their tones. Soonly the voices quieted as I felt myself being transported to  who knows where, "Don't worry Kai, Cole will help you..!" A voice piped up,  'Cole...' I thought to myself, 'I remember that name from somewhere...'  I decided to keep calm for the meantime, sure I didn't know what was going on or who those people were. But they didn't seem so determined to hurt me, which slightly mellowed me.

"Okay Kai, here we are! The hospital..!" Another voice commented, I felt my hands and legs grow loose. My vision became more clear and I flinched at the sudden burst of light, A boy in a blue Gi stepped infront of me, he had Gingery-brown hair that was messy yet curled. He was covered in freckles and had a crazy scar on the whole side of his cheek reaching down to his neck, his eyes were a navy blue.  I slowly moved my hand tracing the scar, it looked like a deep burn mark, possibly done by an explosion or a serious fire. "What's that..?" I crowed, "it's nothing..! Let's just go." Jay gestured, shoving my hand away. I nodded respectfully and we walked inside.

3p POV
Nurses and doctors exited and entered rooms of all sorts, many people sat waiting in chairs or in line. 3 secretary's sat in the front desk, all of a sudden the ninja were stopped by a fellow nurse. "What's in need of your visit? And what is up with that boy..?" The Nurse grawled, turning to Lloyd puzzled. "O-oh! We- We're here to visit Cole Brookstone..- Uhm this is Kai- he uh- He's cosplaying-! YEAH!" Lloyd stuttered smiling awkwardly, the nurse nodded unconvinced yet kept on. "Okay then..Who are you 4 to Cole Brookstone?" She asked patiently, "Me ,Jay, Nya, and Zane are Cole's friends, Kai is his boyfriend" Lloyd answered, the nurse nodded. "Very nice, his room is room 1E," the nurse smiled leaving. Kai looked over at Lloyd confused, he was unsure on who Cole was and what was a boyfriend, and why was he Cole's? Though he was questioning the topic deeply, he kept his thoughts drowned inside incase it were to cause problems. After all, he wasn't much to talk.

Zane stepped up to the door 1E and knocked calmly, Kai sensed a deep aura come through as the door peaked open. In the room was a nurse sitting by the hospital bed feeding the raven-haired boy. He looked up from his food tramphually, Kai noticed his face light up as they walked in, "Guys!" He boomed happily, the nurse smiled and got up, leaving to earn them some privacy. Kai stayed by the doorframe, clutching it protectively as the others walked in sitting by the boy, Kai still being unnoticed stayed in place. In hopes to not be noticed, yet the aura of the boy was wonderful and bright. Like the earth, powerful yet peaceful, full of life but dangerous if awoken. He couldn't lay his eyes of the boy even if he wished to, so instead he embraced his feelings proudly. "Hey where's Kai? Did you guys not find him..?" Cole asked, searching the room. "Yeah we did! He's right over-" Cole gasped gratually, Kai stood shyly by the door. "Kai?" Cole breathed, "that's him!" Nya perked, turning to face her now furry brother. "What happened?!" Cole shot, Kai jumped hiding behind the door, still peaking out, though the boy scared him drownfully. He couldn't deny the fact he was obsessed with him, "He was mutated in a lab not to long ago, I doubt he hasn't gained any new perks. But his memory may be fuzzy and he probably need assistance with things." Zane informed, Cole looked at Kai in awe, he held his hands out warmly. Reaching for a hug, Kai slowly rose from the door, letting it loose from his reach, he hesitantly stepped in the room. Until he was right in arms reach of Cole, Cole pulled himself into Kai, smiling purely to be reunited with the love of his life. Kai froze until he pulled himself closer to Cole, snuggling into his chest purring. With Cole he felt a warm feeling, he felt safe, he felt needed, he felt loved...

'If this is what it means to be Cole's boyfriend, I hope to be his boyfriend forever.'  Kai thought to himself before closing into a slumber.

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