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When Lloyd and Jay snuck into the lab, an alarm beeped red as Kai gazed at them. Eyes fueled with fury, almost able to peirce through your skin just looking at him. Jay and Lloyd gave eachother uneasy looks before moving closer to the translucent cell, Kai growled as they felt around. Searching for an exit, Nya and Zane ran inside frightening Kai, smoke started rising from his shoulders and his nose. Blocking any possible view of himself, "Guys me and Zane found this remote from one if the scientists here!" Nya perked up, handing it to Lloyd, he inspected it cautiously before nodding and pressing a purple button.

The glass cage door shot open as smoke escaped it, filling the air with it's deadly toxins. The ninja waved their hands in the air coughing, the 4 glanced up to the cage where a fiery silhouette stood, producing more smoke around the room. When the figure stepped out of the dead zone, his breathing was heavy and his eyes were sharp, yet he seemed scared, and confused.  Due to Kai's evolution, he had lost memory of the past and would only earn in back if he was to find the heart of his past. (Kai is still the same he just has a few extra senses) "Kai...?" Nya gently asked, stepping closer, Kai silently growled, placing his ears down. "Kai..! It's me..? Nya..?" Nya stepped closer, almost in Kai's face, when she met his gaze, She instantly regretted it.

Kai growled one last time before tackling Nya pinning her to the ground, he stared down at her before untheathing his claws. He strikes quickly on Nya's arm, she yelped as Jay sprung into action zapping Kai away from Nya's grip, "Zane freeze Kai's hands and feet!" Jay ordered, Zane nodded and created ice around Kai's legs and hands. As soon as Kai was securely held Zane and Lloyd rushed to Nya's aid, hoping for nothing more than a simple scratch. As if the lord had heard their silent prayers, Nya was fine and able to move her arm. "What are we going to do with him?!" Nya mumbled, "I think the best thing to do is to bring Kai back to Cole, it is possible that he will return to his normal self if near his loved one, Cole may also know how to help." Zane commented, "No way! You saw what he did to Nya! Why would he be any nicer to Cole?!" Jay swayed, keeping his guard. "It is best we give it a shot Jay...We are the reason Kai is like this, might aswell give Cole a chance to work with Kai," Lloyd agreed with Zane, Jay sighed and redundantly nodded.

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