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Lloyd felt a burning grasp on his back, the longer he stood there. The more it stung,  the fire alarm beeped its melody, Lloyd looked behind him in wonder of what was giving him such pain, Kai stood there holding the green ninja's shoulder,  blood dripped from Lloyd's back as he felt himself grow light headed, the room grew black as he heard screams circle around him.

Cole's POV:
The room was pitch black, I couldn't see anything,  or move in any way. But I could listen, I could hear Kai defending me from my friends. I could hear the fire alarm going off viciously, and worst of all. I heard blood curtailing yells come from the people I called my friends, I had to wake up, it was the only chance, my only chance. I tried opening my eyes, nothing. But when I tried moving my fingers, I felt control. I was in control! I tried opening my eyes again, they twitched. But I still couldn't see anything, I was about to give up when I heard police sirens, and the protest of Kai, who was begging to stay with me... One last time, I tried to wake myself, and it worked.

When I woke up, the room was blurry and I could feel the burning sensation of smoke bleed into my nostrils, my eyes moved, searching for the red blob in my vision. Instead I saw a Blue, a grey, and a white blob forming a circle around me, my sight slowly cleared and I realized where I was. I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL! But where was Kai...? Every cheered and hugged one another I sat up, scanning the room for Kai. Only to find him gone? "Where's Kai?" Cole commented, once again looking around. "Don't worry Cole, Skylor told us about what he did to you, I promise you, you will never hear from him again." Zane assured, placing his hand on Cole's shoulder. "WHAT?!" Cole boomed. His eyes widened with concern and he started crying,  "Wow, wow, wow! Calm down bro! I know it's alot to take in, but really we promise you your safe out of his reach." Jay said, smiling at Cole. "NO! YOU GUYS DON'T UNDERSTAND...!" Cole cried, hiding his face with his hands.


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