White Lies

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Kai walked up to his apartment, since he had quit the ninja team, he was no longer allowed to live inside of the monastery. Nya would go to visit Kai once every week, Kai looked over at a picture on top of a counter. It was of him and the ninjas, he missed his hero life, but didn't like to listen to the others talk about Kai holding on to someone who no longer existed. Everyone thought Cole was dead, and Kai wanted to keep it that way until Cole was back on his feet, *Knock Knock Knock* "Hey Kai! I'm here! Can I come inside?" Nya asked, holding the doorknob, "Sure! Come on in," Nya walked in and sat on the couch beside Kai, looking at him worried. "Look Kai...I know you want to find Cole, but your going to have to realize one day that he's gone." Kai sighed, "well the thing is Nya,  I  have found Cole." Nya's eyes widened and she hugged Kai, for the next day, the "2" were going to go and see him. "Okay, but do you promise me to not tell the gang about Cole?" Kai asked, holding her shoulders. "Yes, I promise!" Nya smiled as they talked.

The next morning, Kai was next to Cole's hospital bed, waiting for Nya to arrive.  "How is Cole doing...?" Kai grilled, waiting for an answer impatiently. "Well, you got him here in time, a few minutes later and he wouldn't have made it! But he was badly injured, we've managed to stitch up all of his open cuts, but his wrists and every thing else is quite tragic, He has a slim chance of survival." Kai frowned at all of news, he put his hand over Cole's and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Well than, I'll leave you too it." The nurse said leaving the hospital room, outside of the room, Kai heard familiar voices, What is the gang doing here? Did Nya lie to me?!  Kai grew angry the more he thought about it. I thought I could trust her! But instead she does quite the opposite! The door creaked open and familiar faces were revealed to Kai, "Omg Cole!" Lloyd ran over and hugged Cole, his pulse lowered. "Get off of him!" Kai warned shoving Lloyd off, Cole's pulse went back to normal. "What's wrong with you man?" Jay yelled, clutching his fists while helping Lloyd off the ground, Kai stood there silent,  and sat back down holding Cole's hand. Everyone watched as Cole's stomach rised and dropped.  He was so peaceful,

"What are you guys doing here." Kai groaned, glaring at nya. "We wanted to see Cole!" Zane said, "oh I see! You guys all give up on Cole and move on but right as I save him you all come crawling back? What great heroes you are." Kai growled, it was clear to everybody that Kai wasn't accepting the fact that they were inside of the room. " We have the right to see him! He's our friend." Jay protested, "Correction, he was your friend before you left him for the dead." Kai stared at them, his eyes were now a dark red, smoke rose from his shoulders as the fire alarm went off. The noise blocked everyones hearing, Lloyd felt a warm hand come up behind him as it all went black.

(Hey guys! So I'm going to go off of this story for a bit and work on making a TMNT story! (Teenage mutant ninja turtles) I'll obviously still update this story but not everyday. Thanks for reading bye!)

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