In Place

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20 minutes later

"Will Jay be okay?" Nya asked nervously, she felt bad for what she had said to Kai. But stuck with her feelings anyways, "Jay will be fine, his burns should heal in a week or two, but it may leave some scars," Zane assured Nya. Nya sighed in relief, Jay was one thing she couldn't loose, but then what was Kai? "You should go talk to Kai though, he is your brother after all." Zane instructed. Nya groaned, she knew what she said was wrong and very impulsive. But in the state that Jay was in, Nya could care less about Kai. Which surprised everybody, Nya let out a long sigh before heading to Kai's room. She stopped at the door and felt her guilt drown her. Even if she was the elemental master of water. *Knock Knock Knock* "Kai? It's me Nya, I'm sorry for the way I acted! Can I come in?" Nya heard nothing but the soft breeze. "Kai?" Nya gently opened the door to see no one inside the room. Confused she walked inside and saw the window wide open. Her stomach dropped as she felt all different kinds of emotions overwhelm her as she realized what her brother had done. He had ran away... "Guys! Kai's gone!" Nya rushed out the room. Sobbing, "what do you mean he's gone?" Lloyd questioned. "He's gone! His window is wide open and he's not inside his room!" Nya cried and everyones faces went pure white. Was Kai Okay?

Kai's POV:

When I jumped out of my window, I was hesitant on whether this was the right thing to do. I knew me doing this would only make matters worse, but hearing what they said about me pained me, I couldn't bare to listen any longer. I sighed, and kept up with my pace walking down the steps. Hoping to not get noticed, "Guys! Kai is gone!" I heard Nya yell from inside the Monastery. I felt like going back to apologize, I hated hearing Nya worried, but I knew if I came back now. The gang would only be more mad,

When I made it to Ninjago City, it was already 8pm, and since it was fall. It was dark, I roamed through the streets trying to keep a low profile. As much as I loved my fans, I wasn't in the mood for attention. I looked around, my stomach was rumbling and I couldn't help but look for food. "KAI! KAI WHERE ARE YOU?" Cole called out. I looked behind and saw Cole calling for me, nervously. He looked over and saw me, I tried to run but he grabbed my wrist holding me close to him, I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Kai please come back to the monastery! I know you're upset but I don't blame you for what happened!" The way Cole eyed me made me want to go home with him. "Please?" He pleaded, I sighed. "Fine, but I'm not apologizing!" I warned, Cole chuckled. "Okay fireball,"

(Third Person)

On Kai and Cole's way back to the monastery, they felt butterflies form in their stomachs, Cole faced Kai who was oblivious to his staring. Cole blushed and smiled at Kai, happy to be alone with him, Cole had always had a space in his heart for the hothead. But was never able to confess his feelings to the boy, he was worried that Kai wouldn't think of him the same. And would abandon him, but he had to let his feelings out, he felt like he would explode if he didn't.

"H-hey Kai?" Cole mumbled, Kai looked over to Cole. His amber eyes were vibrant, and beautiful. Cole admired them, "Uh Cole? You good?" Cole flinched as he was snapped back to reality. "Uh yeah...- I wanted to tell you something for awhile now...Kai... I lo-" "KAI!"Nya cried out, running to Kai cutting Cole off. Kai smiled at Nya and hugged her, he said he wasn't going to apologize. But couldn't help but say sorry to his sister, "I'm sorry for leaving Nya, I was just upset and wanted some time to myself." Kai was still a bit mad at Lloyd though. The way he pushed back when Cole tried comforting him hurt, Nya smiled weakly, "I'm sorry too...I was mad and wasn't careful with my words! I love you and everything you do. You're the best brother anyone could ever ask for!" Nya starting sobbing.

Kai was happy with what she had said, he felt loved again. Kai looked over behind Nya and saw Jay walking down the stairs, he started feeling anxious, as he hadn't talked to Jay since the accident and didn't know how to properly apologize. Jay was then infront of Kai blank faced, "oh uh- hey Jay, sorry for what happened on the mission- I wasn't in control over my powers and-" Jay put a hand on Kai's shoulder and smiled. "It's fine bro! Now I got this sick scar! You know what lies I can make up with this?" Jay teased, Kai smiled. "Whatever you say Motermouth." Kai once again, felt at home.

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