An old End, A New Beginning

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Idk why I didn't do this before but that is how Kai looks now! So yeah :1

Overtime, The not so perfect ninja team was able to grow together once again. Cole had gotten Physical and Mental therapy and was doing great, Kai had finally adapted to his new self, Jay's scar had fully healed by then. And overall everything was fine and healthy, Villains had retired and Ninjago City had finally come to a rest, including the life saving heros that defended the City from caos for years.
Now that the Ninja had free time, they decided to part for the meantime and work on their social lives, yet they were sure to keep in touch. It wasn't a goodbye, more like...A see you later! Times were getting better, and they all moved on with their lives.

A year had passed since the Ninja's retirement, and the news had finally been announced that Nya was pregnant! Everyone was ecstatic to hear and congratulated her and her fiancé, Jay for taking another step into their lives. Kai at first was quite pissed off at Jay, put later realized that due to Nya being pregnant, Kai would have a niece or a nephew. Which made him quite happy.
Families grew as lives changed, And the ninja all moved to a new stage into their lives.

Life, was finally peaceful...

YES! I'M SORRY FOR ENDING IT SO SOON! I HAD NO MORE IDEAS FOR THIS, BUT! I WILL MAKE A BOOK 2!(Involving the life of the couples and their kids,) would ya'll like me to add action with the old ninja or just stuff on the kids? I will gladly take any suggestions! Ty so much for enjoying this story♡

Blowing Out the FireNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ