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Cole woke up to screams, he was shocked to hear Skylor pleading, pleading for her life.  Someone broke down the Cell Door, a siluette of a person stood in the doorway as  dust and rubble appeared around them, the air inside of the cell went warm. It reminded Cole of Kai, yet he kept his head low,  afraid it was another one of Skylor's tricks.  "Cole?" The voice whispered, coming closer, Cole moved his head up. His once bold green eyes were now a darker and dull grey, like all of the life in him had been sucked out. "COLE!" The voice yelled,  running to Cole breaking him of his chains, the person picked him up and rested him on his shoulder, hugging him. Cole's vision was blurry, but he recognized the tanned skin and messy haired brunette, at first Cole thought this was another one of his dreams until he felt soft lips touch his cheek. That never happened in his dreams, "Kai?" Cole mumbled, he wanted to look over at Kai, but was exhausted and couldn't move what so ever. So he just laid there, waiting for the answer he hoped to hear, "Yes Cole, it's me Kai." Cole smiled softly,  he never thought he would see him again.

Kai's POV:

We made it to the hospital in less than five minutes, my punishment for that? A speeding ticket, but I could get thousands of more and it wouldn't matter. Not if Cole's life was on the line. When I stepped  inside of the hospital doors all eyes went on me as doctors and nurses were called, the yelling brought cayous to my ears. I looked at Cole before they took him away, he gave a look that said, 'I don't want to leave you.'  And I didn't want too either, but I didn't really have a choice, I was just happy he was home.

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