"The Truth will set you Free"

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Everyone stood in pure horror, the truth was, none of them knew where the men had taken Kai. All they known was that Kai wouldn't be near Cole anymore, which was enough to shut them up. "Wait...But Skylor said that Kai had been secretly abusing you?" Nya commented. Tears drowned her eyes, eager to be set free. "No no no! Guys! I was being held captive by Skylor for the past few weeks! Kai saved me!" Cole cried, curling himself into a ball, he held Kai's jacket close to his heart, he had to get him back. Lloyd stood there silent, like he never learned how to correctly speak, Kai had been his older brother in his eyes. Caring and loving for him, he didn't have a father,  or a mother for most of his life, but he had Kai. And now? He had no one once more, "We must get him back!" He yelled. Cole looked up and nodded repeatedly, that's all he ever wanted to do, get his little firefly back.

"I am unsure on how we will be able to locate Kai, it is best for us to take Skylor into questioning, she was the one who appealed the "news" to us, perhaps we will find quality information from her?" Zane optioned, "Always thinking with your head bro," Jay smiled. Turning his warm smile into a sad frown when he looked at Cole. "I'm sorry this had to happen Cole...The nurse said that the soonest you can leave is until next week due to your poor conditions.." Jay mumbled guiltily. "It's fine," Cole smiled weakly, Cole deeply wished he could help on the inside, but he knew throwing a fit wouldn't help getting his hothead back, so he played along.
When the ninja found Skylor, they could already tell she was guilty, she herself looked guilty. Like she knew she messed up, "WHY'D YOU LIE SKYLOR?" Nya screamed, clenching her fists. She sat silent, "WHY SKYLOR, WHY?" Why? WHY? Skylor thought to herself. Why did she do it? Was it really her that did it? She didn't know. All she remembered was getting jealous of Kai and Cole's relationship and leaving, nothing more. "I don't remember..." Skylor whispered, Nya stopped yelling and listened. "I don't remember ever doing it...All I remember was leaving the Monastery the day Kai and Cole got together, I was hesitant but took a shortcut through an ally, I remember that a women came up to me and injected something into me. But I don't remember anything after that..." Skylor mumbled, the more she thought about it. The more it hurt, "According to my calculations, I see a possibility that you were perhaps brainwashed Skylor. Yet this is still uncertain, so you will be kept inside of this prison until further investigation." Zane instructed, "okay...That's reasonable. But before you go-!  I remember one last thing," Skylor admitted, not going further. "What?" Lloyd questioned, "I remember the name of the organization, it was something  like...  E.A.O Triangle or something...?" Zane's eyes widened with fear, "We must get Kai back ergently! He is in harm's hands...!"

Cliffhanger? Yes!!
Sorry for not updating to quickly, I've been quite busy! (Check out my new story if you'd like :) )

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