Another Species

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Kai's POV
All I remember was getting taken away, away from Cole. I am unsure why, but I was. I remember seeing Lloyd unconscious on the floor as the men in white took me away,  I recognized those men from somewhere, yet I can't say from where exactly. They took me somewhere far away from ninjago. Why?

3rd Person POV:
"Where are you taking me?! Where are my friends?! WHERE IS COLE?!" Kai screamed, squirming around. "Shush you monster! You best save your energy...For you will need it for what comes next..." One of the men said, the men soon reached a building,  it was maybe 5 stories high and was as white as milk, it had windows the had bars on the outside stopping anyone from escaping. In the main room their was a secretary behind a quarts desk, sitting down properly. "Good afternoon agent C and H. How may I assist you?" The secretary bowed politely, "Agent A called for us to get this boy, apparently he is performing illegal substances on himself giving him elemental energy, so they are planning to run some simple tests on him," Agent H explained, "very well than. Agent A is on the 3rd floor, room 6." The secretary smiled, and so there they went. When they reached the room, it looked like a lab, one you would see in a horror movie. There sat a women, at first Kai thought it was Skylor, but he later found out that the women's name was Riley, Riley Varga. "What are you going to do to me?!" Kai screamed, clenching his teeth. "Nothing really, we just need to test your elemental energy. For reasons YOU don't need to know of," the women answered, taking out a remote control. "Now than, why don't you be a good puppy and go inside that glass cage? So nobody gets hurt." The women babied, Kai growled.  But went inside, angering her wouldn't be a good choice, that he knew. He just hoped that it wasn't to late...

"Why exactly are you going to do with my elemental energy..?" Kai grilled, waiting. "Will you shut your mouth if I tell you?" The women groaned, turning her head from her computer. "100%" Kai said, so she smiled and spoke, "we are planning to insert a serem which gives you the chance to be a hybrid, it won't hurt or affect you. We just need you to have a kid and you'll be set free.  We just want the kid after all," The women turned back to her computer and started typing quickly. "Why the f*ck do you want me to have a kid?! And why make me a hybrid?!" Kai commented in a angry tone. "You said you would shut up!" Riley creaked, "well I didn't know you would be turning me into a whole other species! And what do you mean you guys want me to have a kid?! Am I going to get r@ped or something?!" Kai chimed, smoke began to rise from his shoulders once more as his eyes turned a vibrant red. Riley smiled viciously at the sight, "Agent C and H, watch the specimen! I must make a call with the boss, he will be very pleased to hear that his plan has come together..." Riley Chuckled and left the room, Agent C and H keeping guard of Kai, giving him eyes of pity. Like they didn't feel that what they were doing was the right thing, yet they kept quiet.

A day passed. Surprisingly enough,  Kai slept peacefully despite the position he was in. "Good morning Kai, today will be your first processing day. We will interm into the serem today, it takes about 3 days for the serem to work its magic, so we will inject it today." Riley informed, turning to her computer once more. "Why exactly is this necessary? Also why are you going to take MY child once I have it?!" Kai snarled. "That is for me to know, some things are kept secrets for good reasons. Let's just say that your child will strike a different path from their mother, or should I say...Father..?" Riley joked, taking out a vile of a purple liquid and adding it into a syringe. Flicking it cautiously. Kai felt goosebumps grow on him as Riley stepped to the glass cage, opening the door with the remote.  Walking in, "Now don't move,  this will only pinch for a bit." Riley assured. Kai cringed at the sharp pain, yet felt slight relief as soon as she pulled out the syringe from his skin.

" get some rest, you'll need it for next week..."

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