chapter thirteen hatred .

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Now here's a topic for most to really think about it's a very strong one Hatred.. Besides politics or religion or other causes for war often what pushes even politicians to go into action for wars sometimes Is hate . Hate is a very powerful thing it consumes  the human  mind and often makes us into sometimes rash or more undignified descisons sometimes we can't really help but hate a human being or person however what humans don't know is that it's second nature not even an instinct but it's a powerful motivator besides love it gives you something to live something to compete with something to y'know  something really get you on your feet and we all have a hatred of something or some one and in many ways it effects us all in some shape or form hatred is lime a thick fog you can't get out of easily no matter how much you resist it . However it not only consumes the human mind it comes the soul to and  becomes apart of your life once you indulge in it's hard to lose or be rid of it .

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