Chapter three choice part one

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Most confuse companionship for relationship. They are not the same though they can be used on the same level and can intertwine with each other. Companionship can also be twisted up in servers ways you can start as freinds or freinds who do "activities" together if you get my gist. Or you can be freinds who both benefit out of something where it's sexually or for intelligence. And companionship can be where you have someone serving you like a pet type of companionship. Or you have the the kind fake companionship where you use someone without their knowledge your doing so by getting close to them. Companionship for many can either be just an excuse to get what you want or because you actually care about someone. And really there's many ways it can go about and be done with. But if it comes to love and companionship both there right there can be your downfall because in the end you know never know who you talk to behind a mask even in a companion they could just be faking to get leverage on you or sometimes it's becuase they actually care . But the thing is with it trust can easily waver becuase loyalty can be broken in companionship or friendship,family relationship in the end its the same result 50/50 fifty percent of the time you get what you want fifty percent you don't it depends on the company you keep around and not necessarily the type of person you hang out with personality wise or horrorscope it really just depends on how they act around you even your closest friend can be your greatest downfall because you gave them so much trust and attention and time yet they can easily go and do things behind your back without you even knowing and still keep on that fake smile and sweet words. I like to think companionship it's not prize you can expect to receive it's an honor you should cherish. Whether you have a pet a best friend or a relationship if you mistreat that care and love and trust you are just as guilty as someone who committed the worst very worst type of crime. And some things no matter how much you want to you should never go back to becuase going back to destruction will only set you own a downhill path and it will never really get better if anything it will tare you further apart. So let me ask you this if you had to leave today can you be a hundred percent certain you won't ever betrayed. The answer is no you really don't you think you won't get that way but at the end of the day the result is the same humans are all alike we are never perfect nor completely really care at the end we all just have a goal we need to complete whether we do it because we have motivation for those that inspire us or we do it because we feel like get a personal gain from it in the end were all human and when you think about it we all use each other somehow no matter if it's good or bad we all come out as a user in the end. And you should never use your own past your faith political view or anything other stand point as a crutch or an excuse to not be better in life everyone can choose to be better or can choose to be worse we may not always be able to choose our lifestyle or race or people who raise us however we all choose how we choose to be like from our own choices. And our own choices define us on who we really are.
And only you are responsible for how you choose to be good or bad it all comes down to choice

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