chapter five Determination and boundaries

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I think what's actually kinda what's wrong with the world besides alot of things is the lack of determination and clarity especially redguarding a relationship. People what their voice to be heard but they don't went to hear what others have to say either . And while perfection in anything like freinds , a relationship,family,a job, social life or etc is impossible I think at the same time striving close to it is not impossible but can be  inevitable but only if you try hard enough there's never gonna be  always a right answer not is there always going to always be a wrong one sometimes  determination is defined by the  best descison Esther then what's convient for you or the other you got to do what's best for all the people involved sometimes and not just one quantity of the picture. Like say you want to date someone but don't want to commit yet you  don't want to share them as a partner with someone I think it's not unreasonable but there's not always an end.gane to it because if you don't  want to settle down right  away you shouldn't get mad if they want to do  things on their own with other people but if you really feel your relationship is sireous enough to get attached and be greedy about it and become a more or less a commitment not  just as a thing but a possible life time thing you should atleast .make clear your intentions to that person and have a talk with them about how you feel about them and what you expect and want inside the relationship and find  common ground. That works for both parties. Same goes with freindships if you don't like what your freinds so you gotta be able to sit up and be like hey I don't like  how you act around me or others I have to and really get down on where your boundaries are in freindships what is and isn't allowed inside them.  And this can work with family as well if you don't feel comfortable or agree with what your family says if others can't draw the line that's where you step in and do it especially if it makes you mad enough about it you gotta be able to say what your okay with and what your not with inside your family with whatever it is your mad with them over and make boundaries and  sometimes a judgement call on what you think is the right and also the wrong thing to do. This can happen with just about every subject in your life and if the goal is to make your life better or your relationship or whatever stay determined and strong and strive to keep what is  the most important to you no matter how others judge you for it be be better for your  goals and keep your determination and strivatiom strong.

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