chapter nine Letting someone in/asking for help

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Sometimes there's things we can do alone and other times where we can't. Sometimes we think by closing ourselves off we're protecting ourselves.But the reality sometimes by closing off ourselves we hurt the ones extremely close to us. Sometimes we think oh a person won't understand my pain or they don't care how I'm feeling their just putting up a front or I rather just forget and sometimes it's us as people just saying I just don't feel like sharing. There's many things us as humans do that cause ourselves to prevent from opening up to people. And there's things that we just can't do alone  even if we wanted to do certain things alone somettimes we can't always put a brave face and sometimes we need to talk to people. And you cuase more damage sometimes by not opening up to people then you would if you opened up to someone all the way . And others can't always know the pain or anger sometimes depression you feel without opening up to them about it . There's alot of things in this world we got to work through alone and it's true but sometimes people do want to help they're rare In the world but they're there waiting for you to open up and willing to help if you let them . I think sometimes also what prevents people from opening up is the pride I was taught by my dad if you don't got pride you don't got anything and that's not always true sometimes it is more courageous to open up on how you feel and being completely defenseless  emotionally yknow aka what not them it is to put a smile just so others don't worry about you . And I think when it comes down to it if you ask for help or let someone in you will not just help yourself but helping others who might be go through the same things you do  and letting them know their not alone by opening up to people and letting them in and who knows maybe you will help someone feel like they can be understood and valued by letting them in,compared as to you would by closing people off and y'know pushing them away. Somettimes the bravest thing you can do is to be open with  your own self and others around you regarding how you feel. It's alright to feel scared or unsure but never let that fear effect how you live or how you talk to others overcome your fear overcome yourself and in time you can overcome most obstacles in life. And sometimes the best choices are not the easiest whether it's  trying a new career,finding new freinds ,letting someone into your life or letting someone out of it but the non easy things sometimes for you to do is the best and right thing to do.

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