chapter four choice part two

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There comes a time when we all have an obstacle we have to face. Whether it's one  in a relationship, a friendship,family or spiritually emotionally or physically  there's always going to be an obstacle. You need to be able to sometimes have a friend to help you get through them or in many cases be able to handle that obstacle by your own.  But everyone  has something that prevents them from getting over a certain obstacle  and sometimes you need to throw away any distractions that would prevent you from being able to do so. No matter what the distraction might be Overcoming an obstacle is not easy to do but it's needed in order to help ensure your life to be better and sometimes  the life's of others to be better as well.Your actions while your not responsible for what people think of your your in charge of how you choose to do things that will effect others around you . Your choice effect other people around you by the descisons you make today . And  We can choose to overcome an obstacle and get stronger from it. Or we can choose to let it drag on and ruin our future . Choosing to overcome an obstacle doesn't make you weak but a stronger person  and you need to be able to come over any obstacle without any regrets from doing so . But to overcome an obstacle you need to overcome your fear. And them he able to face the obstacle and once you confronted your obstacle and moved past it your a step closer to improving your life and making it better not just for yourself but also for others .  But in the end its up to you whether you choose to want to overcome your obstacles or not.

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