chapter two love part two

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We think we know everything our hearts tell us. Sometimes we think we are blinded by love. sometimes we are to biased to see the bigger picture. But sometimes we just need to keep trying keep fighting keep striving to be the best. We can't always be perfect but we can try to keep what we have in our hearts and have them filled with the right things in life,honesty,courage,passion,love. Sometimes love  can be strong enough to overcome any obstacle sometimes it's up to us though to overcome them. And just like anything else in life with love comes trust if you can't trust your partner with your whole heart you can't love them. You can't be the partner your partner wants if you can neither trust them or give them your time or even loyalty sometimes our lives are like the game of poker sometimes  we'll pick the right moves  and win and sometimes we will screw it up and lose and pay deadly for our sins. Same goes with love you can't really say what's right and what's wrong without  addressing a problem or something that's on your mind to your partner. Everyone has a trigger and  if you push the trigger enough you will either score or drown. I think we all play the game of poker but it sure cards and money but with our lives and how we choose to make people see us we are eirher honest and caring ,honest and uncaring,a cheat and funny, or a cheat broken, unhonest and unloyal or unhonest and uncompassionate there is multiple moves for us to play in this game called life and love. However how we choose to win is how we choose to play the game. Love has many obstacles and if you can't overcome one with it and remain as you are to then and  then to you you have no right to say it's love in the first place. sometimes drama comes with love as well whether it's wanted there or not  we can choose to  help the ones we love despite the drama or the stress and prove we love them by staying beside them or we can choose to not do so and make them feel alone and uncared for. There so many things when it comes to love we can mess up on and so many things that can be improved on. But if real and it's strong it can help you strive to be better.  I believe love can be a fickle thing to say the least and sometimes it's not even love it's attraction. But you can't prove you love someone without putting your words into action .

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