chapter twelve fear

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Fear is one of those things that has been proven to trigger things like paranoia seeing things that aren't there etc. Or to be blunt about it I suppose would be hallucinations. During a specific given time we all have a fear whether it's fear of a person fear of being caught in a lie fear of death fear of pain fear of animals fear of the water or even thunder and lightening no matter the fear no matter what makes you afraid don't be even Christians fear something or politician's gangstas or even y'know military cops there not a soul that's not afraid of something fear can over mark us sometimes try to overwhelm us. Sometimes it's not the people inside. Sometimes it's the people outside of this fear. I think like most I have one or two real fears. They are not easy to track or detain of. Sometimes we can't even think without being in some kind of fear or dislike about the world . One thing we do know though is we will never be rid of fear of something but we can minimize it and show none of it . Don't show fear by anyone ir anything. Fear is a choice it is a survival instinct . It is one of the front instincts of the human nature and emotions.

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