chapter ten there comes a time

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There comes a time in a person's life where you need to step up to the plate and take control of a situation before it back fires on people . If you have a life  in the real world where I think you know what kind I'm talking about fof certain people with  a backstory that you don't want anyone to know because you don't want them to get hurt kind of thing . There comes a time where you need to be able to take control or show your domaince in certain situations y'know like for example  a physical fight breaking out you can choose to interviene and maybe get hurt I'm the process but save someone's life  or just have someone not be as hurt as they were before or you can just let the pain happen by not stepping into the fight   and choose not to get hurt in life there's risks to just about everything and our choices effect not just us but at times also others around us . Or say you see someone you care about being bullied or picked on in this case  by not intervening you are just as much as fualt by not doing anything then those who chose to bully the person you know in the first place .  There comes a time where words alone  can't do anything but action is proven to overcome a new challenge in your life and action alone somettimes is the only way to prove you mean anything that you say.  And  where forgiveness goes you can choose to forgive or choose not to certain things and events in your life , somettimes we can forgive but can't necessarily forget  certain events or actions or words that were taken place that effected us in a negative way but we can do better by overcoming our struggles and building people up instead of building others down and crumbling over them .Sure there's a bunch of things we can't do everything to fix every problem in this world but we can try to make things better if not for our ourselves but for others , and  when it comes to anger it can be a blessing or a curse and you should use that anger to help others instead of using it to harm them and bring them pain to people that don't deserve it.  There comes a time where we need to take control of our lives instead of letting others define who we are and what we are  or who we  were and who we used to be.  Everyone knows right from wrong but it's our choice whether we choose to do the right thing or the wrong thing if really just comes down to choice  and there comes a time where you gotta make the right judgement call sure it may hurt some but if it helps more people or can have a positive outcome wouldn't it be better to do that instead of  letting others by getting hurt by our actions and sometimes our words.  There's alot of things in tht world that  don't make sense or sometimes ever we think will effect others maybe we just don't care how it effects others around us but in the end everything effects a person so  what will you do ask yourself this when the time comes when you need to make  a call just for  yourself but for others.

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