Chapter six Promises

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Some people think promise is just a word but it's so much more then that it has meaning .it has value it means you are bonded,morally, emotionally, physically somewomess even spiritually there's many types of promises but a promise is a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen. The strongest type of this would be an oath. And an oath Is a solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one's future action or behavior. Anyone can say they promise  but not many put this promise into action . Not just with words but actual actions to back up the words behind that promise. If you can't keep your promise then your just saying empty words that mean nothing and nothing never does but keeping a promise  is your bond if you don't have your bond or back up what you say you shouldn't ever make it and instead of saying I promise to someone or you make a  oath to be better  or do something better or even act better and you can't keep it your no better then the worst criminal ever to live in this world.And if a person never kept a promise to you then they cared about you in the first place and if they never cared don't torture yourself by letting them stay let them go and move forward with your life with someone who can keep either of these things to you instead of someone who can't . Actions speak louder then words.

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