chapter eleven Hidden advice.

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It  takes courage to frogive others when you been hurt by the same people who swore to protect you and keep you safe. But it takes even more courage to help them even if they don't deserve it.  It doesn't take much to make a mistake but it takes so much heart to forgive others for theirs
Being social is not a sin and your not a true angle until you lost your wings but you do not deserve heaven if you can't find a way to get there without the.
We often mistake love as  as a right but it's not its a privilege you earn and not a right you can claim to or something you can demand. Love and trust are earned and same goes for respect  It is not earned by a title  or s rank or a name you have you earn the lobe and attention you get by showing it openly and efficiently. You don't always fix a problem by the dumb things you can do to life but you. Need to be able to really understand deep sometimes in a person's eyes. We can tell of their trustworthy just by how they look at you or how they act around you. You shouldn't let  a consequences of a few affect you as a  whole  But sometimes you need to get rid of all the brown perices collect them and mend them together yourself so you can make something more beautiful and meaningful.
Don't approach your love or a freind as I'd they don't matter by closing then off be vulnerable to those you trust and  know it's okay to just be yourself.
Sometimes we can't see  what we truly lost until it's home if your able to make up for your wrongs and make it right don't just run and hide form your present or last because the one that really did truly love you showed it to you In ways you would least expect them to and they don't deserve your hate or your anger they deserve so much better then just a simple apology that does not mean anything in actions but Esther they deserve what comes from the heart and you can actually prove through your actions .

If a person is broken heal them of a person is crying  and sad ask them what's wrong . If a person is wanting to let how they feel out then listen to them . Or does not take alot to show you care just do it because your a human sure we make mistakes some are harder to forgive then tkhers but you can't judge a book by  a few pages without actually reading it. It takes really  getting in a book to make it to where anyone and everyone will understand.
Don't approach your love or a freind as I'd they don't matter by closing then off be vulnerable to those you trust and  know it's okay to just be yourself.
Sometimes we can't see  what we truly lost until it's home if your able to make up for your wrongs and make it right don't just run and hide form your present or last because the one that really did truly love you showed it to you In ways you would least expect them to and they don't deserve your hate or your anger they deserve so much better then just a simple apology that does not mean anything in actions but Esther they deserve what comes from the heart and you can actually prove through your actions .
You alone can make a difference in the world no matter if it'd bad or good but you can't really ever really know people if you don't try to understand them . You can't call yourself a woman of you give up on your man but you can't call yourself a man if you can't even keep a woman safe or male them feel loved or cared for . It takes alot to show so many you care but it takes even more to show your the right person they deserve snd need. Sometimes we all go through  challenges we work think other people will understand but how can  they if we sktm take a chance take their hand and  not do everything we can to make them see  that we may not be able to trust others easily but we can't hide into shadows either forever. You shouldn't let   the choices of s fe guys define your oppion on all men but you can't let the choices of s few women  either define all girls.  Your sexuality your spiritual or religious stand point  nor race is the problem it's you nor just choosing to get along with others is what makes you the one to take the beating or the  fall .and you can't call yourself a freind if you can't even take the  rap for them and any real friend does not ask to do it they do it because they choose to becuase they care. Family is more then it appears just like a relationship how can you have other if you can't try to let it be that way . But also how can you know how someone feels if you don't even ask how they do .

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