🍋 Amagi Hiiro x Popular! Singer! Idol! Reader: Strive to become you (Part 2) 💦

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⚠️WARNING: This chapter will contain foul language, physical abuse, sexual harassment (e.g. rape?), kidnapping/captivating, stalking, criminal activities, bondages (e.g. ropes),  nudity, violence, and possibly blackmailing. Please read at your own risk! If you are feeling discomfort or any psychological pain when reading mid-way, please skip the following part! Also, there is a slight AMAGI RINNE X READER at the end of the chapter! ENJOY!!! ⚠️

(A/N: I'm a little hesitant to write the kidnapping scene. It is too extreme that I felt uncomfortable writing it privately and in public. A few of the actions are based on what I experienced with my mother, which involves her using physical and mental abuse towards me whenever I stood up for myself. The state I'm currently in causes me to stress more but it seems the situation is getting a little bit better. Sorry if the content is too sensitive.)


When the girl is still sleeping in peace, relaxing without any disturbance, the man immediately put a piece of duct tape on her mouth and secured her with tight ropes and handcuffs. The girl was woken up by the ringing clicking sounds of the metal cuffs, with the urge of wanting to scream in fear, the time is too late for her to struggle free.

It is hopeless: Hiiro is still fond of his relaxing endless sleep, unable to witness the singer getting kidnapped. The girl tried to make muffled noises through the tape but it is useless to do so. As the wind began to make its way to the southeast, the curtains traveled their way to the living room, giving a higher chance for the blob to escape.

The female shrieked even louder even though the sticky glue-like substance is persisting in her mouth to mute her scared voice, tears forming from her eyes as the man gave the eeriest chuckle, carrying her waist and lying her body on his shoulder to make his way to his place as the wind leaves the scenery, sly as a weasel and leaving without a single trace.

✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧
Hiiro's POV
I have the strangest dream last night: seeing Y/N holding the fat, sweaty man's hand from her studio, they silently walk into the darkness with a red aura surrounding their silhouettes. My body froze at that moment, I feel paralyzed. I reached out for Y/N with my arm and tried to call her name, but my vocal cord is blocked by some agonizing pressure as if a strand of rope tightened my neck. Suddenly, Y/N kissed the man's chapped lips in front of me before they leave me in this pitch, black unknown in pain. I cried at that very spot, tears rolling down my cheeks and landing on my palms. The echoes of my weeping became louder and louder until I was so scared that I cried in my sleep. I woke up in frustration and felt uncomfortable with that bittersweet ending.

Time: 6:45 a.m.
I searched Y/N in her bedroom but she wasn't there. The blanket that I used to wrap around her shoulders is gone along with her. Unable to think straight and feeling anxious, I quickly grabbed a lemon sour candy from her desk and pop it in my mouth, hoping the citric acid and the sugary aftertaste can stop my heartbeat from racing. I quickly make my way to the living room and sit on the sofa. Before I could relax for a bit, something bumpy is poking my head and letting out the girliest screech in human existence (A/N: Hiiro probably hasn't reached puberty at that time lmao poor thing 😂).

Third person's POV
Hiiro searched the pillows and the sheets to see that a pair of rusty, black glasses that are covered with fogs and cracks on the concave lenses, is sitting on the sofa. Hiiro picked it up and observe the glasses as if it is a piece of rock that has been on earth for over 4.5 billion years. Then, he remembered the man in his dreams, and coincidentally it has the same design and quality. The thought was cut off when the glasses produced a tiny droplet of slimy liquid on the glasses' surface and Hiiro watched it descend to the floor. The scent reminds him of Y/N's studio and the fat man in the suit, this makes the red, curly-headed boy's blood boil in anger, and is about to seek explanations and vengeance from the creep.

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