💕Tetora x Mitsuru x Male!Reader: Bad habits (Part 1) 😇

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"DASH DASH DASH! Gotta run faster before I get my hands on the limited edition bread! Awww man, today is my last chance of buying that glorious yakisoba bread (fried noodle bread)!!!" Mitsuru shouted hysterically. He is now doing his track and field club activities, still finishing his last lap for today.

"Mitsuru, why the rush? You barely drink any water today, you have to stay hydrated before heading to that bakery. " Adonis said (A/N: ADONIS YOU HYDRATED KING I LUV U SO MUCH 💦) while wiping his sweat with a cold towel, yanking his top back and forth to let some gentle breeze to circulate throughly on his chest. "You still have 3 minutes left. The school gates are gonna close at 6pm sharp." Adonis said before walking back to his bag lying on the bench, packing his things and leave the venue.

After 3 minutes later, mitsuru is covered with his own sweat and he needs to change his outfit immediately. Just before he is able to make his way to the nearest locker room, a boy with messy black hair and red streaks stopped him. "That's not cool, man! You are also after the limited edition yakisoba bread, TENMAAAAA?! That bread is EVERYTHING to me. Once it's gone, it's gonna take all my manliness away. I THOUGHT WE'RE FRIENDS, BRO! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A THING TO ME! It breaks my heart...HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO TRAIN WITH KAICHOU AFTER THE BREAD HAS BEEN STORED INSIDE YOUR FAT BELLY LIKE THAT?!!" Tetora shouted near Mitsuru's earhole. He is grabbing and shaking his shirt (not caring about his sweat) back and forth, almost breaking Mitsuru's eardrums in the process.

Mitsuru can feel his brain is having a DJ party in there, he shoves the hyperactive boy aside and back away. "TETSU-CHAN, STOP! YOU'RE LOUD AS HELL!!! AND! We're just acquaintances, I don't know you very well! That yakisoba bread is my late-night snack for tonight, I won't let you have it!!!"

"Fine! Whoever dashes to the bakery and wait for the line first wins! You wanna that carb so bad, Mitsuru?! Come on! Let's go! Run. with. me! (A/N: YOU BETTER RUN RUN RUN!!!)"

"Alright, sounds fun Tetsu-chan!!!"

Tetora starts to roll up his sleeves and stretched his arms and legs. He placed his fingertips to the ground, doing the ready-to-sprint position. Mitsuru ran towards him and does the same thing. But then, Mitsuru starting to chant warm-up numbers continuously, making Tetora confused and growing impatient.

"1,2,3,4! 2,2,3,4! 3,2,3,4! 4,2,3,4! 5,2–" / 「一二三四,二二三四,三二三四,四二三四,五二—」

"TENMA!!! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU THINKING?!!" Tetora shrieked and is about to pull his hair off his scalp. His expressions looks like he is late for his karate tournament.

"Oh! I am trying to warm up for 5 minutes, so my limbs can be more flexible!" Mitsuru said as he finished it off with 5 more star jumps.

"Didn't you stretch before you started running?!" Tetora said as he facepalmed.

"Sorry my bad, I guess I did— HEY WAIT FOR ME TETSU-CHAN!!!"

It is too late! Tetora already ran to the school gate, the gates is about to close in a minute. Mitsuru dashed at his maximum speed and slide the narrow gap between the two gates, making it out alive.

"So long, sucka! Time for me to peace out, my dude!" Tetora said as he made his way to the school gate.

The two boys are now outside the school, sprinting as hard as they can on the streets. Pushing, bumping and nudging each other to see which one of them is gonna reach the door of the maroon-coloured store labelled with 'Bakery' in bold and cursive letters. The holy light is shining in front of their eyes!

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