3.6: E Pluribus Unum

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"The gate." Dustin said completely bewildered by the machine that was opening the gate into the upside down. We all snapped out of our trances and headed back down the stairs to figure out a way to get out of this bunker.

"I don't understand. You've seen this before?" Robin asked confused.

"Not exactly." Steve answered knowing that we never really saw the gate before.

"Then what, exactly?" Robin asked still confused.

"All you need to know is it's bad." Dustin said not wanting to explain everything right now.

"It's really bad." Steve agreed.

"Yeah, terrifyingly bad." I added and Robin and Erica were still lost.

"Like, end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad." Dustin explained as we searched for a way out.

"And you know about this how?" Robin asked still having so many unanswered questions.

"Um, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" Erica asked staring at a spot of blood on the floor and no Russian. Just then the alarms started going off.

"Shit." Steve muttered before going to check outside the room we were currently in. Steve was then spotted and slammed the door shut. "Shit." He said again trying to figure a way to outrun the guards. We all immediately ran out the side door and through another door to try to avoid getting captured. We then got to a control room and then continued running to avoid capture. We took a staircase down to where the machine was and hit a dead end where the laser was. Steve then led us back and pushed a Russian to clear the path for us. We then made it through another door. Steve immediately blocked the door with his body.

"Frankie! Robin!" Steve yelled for us to help him. I ran to his side and helped him block the door. Robin did the same. These Russians were strong.

"Go! Just get out of here!" Steve yelled at Dustin and Erica. "No! Just go get some help, okay?" Steve ordered again when Dustin hesitated to wait for us. 

"What are you doing?! Dustin go!" I yelled not wanting him to get caught.

"I won't forget you!" Dustin said as he joined Erica in the vent.

"Shit these Russians ate their wheaties this morning." I joked and Robin and Steve both ignored me and continued to struggle. The Russians then pushed the door open which sent all of us flying. We surrendered and held our hands up not wanting to get shot. They were yelling orders in Russian That none of us understood, but we were all dragged to separate rooms with our hands bound. When I was alone, I immediately started panicking and looking for a way out.

"Hey, you can't keep me in here! People will come looking for me! Where are Steve and Robin, you pricks? Hello?" I yelled, but nobody heard me. I banged on every wall and door trying to see if there were any weaknesses, but there weren't. I eventually gave up and waited for whatever was going to happen next. I didn't have to wait long maybe an hour before three Russian guys came to get me and pushed me into a room next to a semi-conscious Steve and a fuming Robin. 

"Shit, Steve, are you ok?" I asked crawling over to him to inspect his injuries. His eye was swollen shut and he had a split lip. He was also covered in blood. "What the fuck did you do to him?" I screamed at the guy that looked like he was in charge. Robin also screamed at them the same questions, but we were both backhanded. The main guy ordered the others in Russian to do something. We were then lifted and tied to chairs. Steve and Robin were back to back and I was in the middle on their sides with Steve on my right and Robin on my left. 

"Steve wake up." Robin said trying to find out if he was ok.

"Steve? Are you ok?" I said my voice filled with worry for my friend. 

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