1.7: The Bathtub

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Today was a day like any other day. I was working and trying to find a way to pass the time in the empty store. There were five minutes left of my shift and I was counting down the seconds. I needed to see if Jonathan was ok. I worried about him the whole day and seeing the beating that Steve got, Jonathan was probably hurt. It was finally 2PM and the end of my shift. I clocked out and started heading towards the police station. I saw Nancy, Jonathan, Joyce and Hopper standing outside a car looking down at the Wheeler's house. 

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked letting my presence be known.

"Frankie? Now's really not a good time, honey." Joyce said.

"What? Why are there people taking things out of Nancy's house?" I asked confused.

"They know about the monster. Mike and his friends. They're trying to find them." Nancy said worried.

"Wait? This girl knows about the lab situation?" Hopper asked.

"Yeah, I almost got eaten by one of those things. Not really fun, in case you were wondering." I said sarcastically. Things started getting crazier at the Wheeler house and Nancy was getting more desperate to go home. 

"I have to go home." Nancy said concerned for her parents. 

"No, you can't." Hopper protested. 

"My mom my dad are there." Nancy said walking towards the house. 

"They're gonna be okay. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." Hopper said taking Nancy's arm to stop her. 

"Let go. Let go!" Nancy yelled trying to get out of Hopper's grip.

"Hey! Listen to me. Listen to me. The last thing in the world we need is them knowing you're mixed up in all this." Hopper said and it actually made sense. 

"Mike is over there" Nancy said worried for her brother. 

"They haven't found him. Not yet, at least." Hopper said pointing to a helicopter.

"For Mike?" Nancy yelled concerned.

"Come on, get in the car." Hopper said gesturing everyone to get in the car. I hopped in beside Jonathan and he was sitting in between Nancy and I in the back seat. 

"Look, we need to find them before they do. Do you have any idea where he might have gone?" Hopper asked Nancy. 

"No, I don't." Nancy replied.

"I need you to think." Hopper said desperately.

"I don't know. We haven't talked a lot. I mean, lately" Nancy started.

"Is there any place that your ... your parents don't know about that he might go?" Joyce said firing questions.

"I don't know." Nancy repeated.

"I might." Jonathan interrupted. 

"What?" Hopper asked intrigued.

"I don't know where he is, but I think I know how to ask him." Jonathan said. Hopper drove to the Byers's house so that we could find Will's radio that he used to contact his friends. We walked in the house to see all the destruction. 

Nancy paused and said, "Whoa."

"You get used to it after a while." I said continuing back to Will's room.

"I got it." Joyce said reaching under the bed.

"Mike, are you there? Mike? Mike, it's me, Nancy. Mike, are you there? Answer. Mike, we need you to answer. This is an emergency, Mike. Do you copy? Mike, do you copy? I need you to answer. We need to know that you're there, Mike." Nancy said desperately into the radio. Hopper grew tired of listening to Nancy and grabbed the radio.

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