2.2: Trick or Treat, Freak

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I was at school the next day putting my books in my locker when I felt someone stop and lean on the locker next to mine. I glanced over to see who it was and rolled my eyes.

"What do you want, Billy?" I asked not really wanting to know the answer.

"Did you hear about Tina's party tonight?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, I'm not sure if I want to go now that I know you're going." I replied continuing to stuff books in my locker.

"So, Miss. Goody is going to a party?" He asked with mischief behind his eyes.

"Don't you have someone else to annoy?" I asked slamming my locker shut and heading to class.

"No, it's too much fun getting under your skin." He said glancing down at me. I rolled my eyes yet again.

"Listen, there are plenty of girls that would want your attention. I'm not one of them, so why don't you try talking to them? I'm sure Tina, Carol, or anyone else would love it." I said patting his chest and walking away. He continued to follow me, but I spotted Steve at the end of the hallway. I shot him a look that said help me and he saw it. He approached me with Billy still following me.

"Hey, Frankie, could I talk to you for a second?" He asked trying to get me out of this situation with Billy.

"What's up?" I asked as Billy waited for me to be finished with my conversation. "I'm sorry, could you give us a second?" I asked Billy and he glanced between Steve and I with a knowing look.

"Oh, I get it. You're into Harrington? I thought he was unavailable, but oh well." He said and walked away before either of us could reply.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into that. He just will not take a hint." I said annoyed.

"He's a dick. If he's still giving you trouble, let me know." He said trying to act macho.

"Didn't Jonathan beat you in a fight last year? Maybe I'll let Jonathan know instead." I said poking fun at him.

"Very funny. I was emotionally vulnerable and Jonathan was so angry." He said trying to defend his lack of fighting skills.

"Whatever you say. Anyways, thanks for rescuing me." I said grateful.

"Anytime. So, are you going to Tina's party?" He asked changing the subject.

"Unfortunately, Jonathan is dragging me along." I said not wanting to go.

"Byers wants to go?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, he said something about us having to experience at least one high school party." I said as Steve continued walking me to my class.

"Well, he's not wrong." Steve said agreeing with Jonathan.

"Yeah, well I have a feeling that if I'm there tonight, Billy will still be bothering me." I said now reluctant to go because of Billy Hargrove.

"You can't let one person control whether or not you go to a party. Just avoid him and stick close to Byers. You should be fine." Steve suggested. "I'm gonna get to class, but I will see you at the party." He said before I could answer. I went to class frustrated with the whole situation.


School was finally over so Jonathan drove us home to get ready for trick or treating and the party. Bob was showing Jonathan how to use his video camera, but I couldn't take him seriously because he was dressed as Dracula.

"So you hit "T" to zoom in, and "W" zooms back out. See? Easy-peasy. Just make sure to turn off the power to save energy there." Bob explained and Jonathan nodded.

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