Chapter 32

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It was January 2nd at 4pm, I was cleaning the kitchen when I felt like my stomach was tightening up. I was 40 weeks pregnant now. I hit 40 weeks yesterday. My stomach was low meaning the babies were facing down as they should be.

"You okay mom?" Alice asks, "Yeah I over worked myself, just a bit of cramping." They nod, Carlisle was at work, his last day for a few months. Emmett, Jasper and Edward were hunting. "I can't believe I'm going to give birth to twins this week. And naturally." "Yeah we can't wait either." Rose rubs her tummy. "How has your experience been so far Rose?" She smiles as she looks at me, "Far better then I could ever imagine." I smile, "I'm glad you are having your dream." She gives me a big smile.

I look down, I had grabbed a parental book and was almost done with it. I started to read when I felt the cramp again. I wince, rubbing my stomach. I started reading again, it didn't happen until and hour and 15 minutes later. I set down my book and rub my stomach.

Is it time? Are these contractions? I ask in my head, I grab my phone and look it up. After 15 minutes of research I found out that it was indeed contractions. "Girls?" I ask, they look up at me, I give them a smile. "I think I'm having contractions. They are 1 hour and 15 minutes apart. And last about 25 minutes." They come over. "Okay let's wait and see, read your book, are you timing them?" I nod, Alice hands me my book, I start reading again.

I finish the book in an hour, a few minutes later I was hit with a contraction, it lasted 23. "1 hour, 10 minutes." I say. "Okay let's wait again." That's when Aria ran down the stairs. "What's happening?" She asks, "Mommy is just having a bit of pain in her tummy." She nods and comes over, putting her hands on my stomach. I had pulled my shirt up, so my stomach was bare.

"Hey sissy, bubby try not to hurt mommy." She says as she pats my stomach, I felt a hard kick. Aria giggled as I winced a bit. Aria kept talking to the kids. My breath hitches when I felt the pain again. "1 hour and 5 minutes now, lasted 20 minutes." Alice says, "Aria, can you go get the bag I packed for the babies in my closet?' she nods and runs away.

"The boys are in Canada it'll take them at least 2 hours to get here." Alice says, "They should have their phone on them. We knew the babies were coming soon. If they don't have them on I'll best their asses after I have these babies." Rose smiles and gets out her phone. Aria come in, handing Alice the bag. "Mommy what's happening?" "The babies are ready to come." Her eyes widen, "Yay!!"

The girls help me into the passenger side, then Rose gets in and Alice. We got in the car around 8 pm. Rose starts the car and we are off as Alice calls Jasper. "Jasper the babies are coming. Mom is having contractions every 1 hour, lasting 18 minutes now." "Okay see you then. Love you. Bye." I call Carlisle's work phone. "Hello this is Nurse Jameson." "Hi this is Carlisle's wife. Where is he?" "He is in surgery on a mother and her baby." "Okay well can you tell him our children are on the way and we are almost at the hospital?" "Of course." I then hang up.

A few minutes later we are at the hospital. Rose and Alice help me as Aria holds onto Alice's coat and we walk in. A nurse comes up, "Your Mrs. Cullen right?" he asks me, "Yes." "Okay follow me." I nod, I turn to Rose and Alice, "Stay here, call dad and mom. Her hotel is in Seattle." Mom came up for my babies birth, though she can't be in there. "Oh, and call Katrina, my Doula." "Don't worry we already did." Rose says with a smile, "Go deliever our siblings!" Alice says with a laugh. I smile and walk to Dr. Jameson, "Would you like a wheelchair?" I shake my head, "Dr. Cullen is almost done with his surgery."

I nod as we walk into a delivery room. "Here change into this. Do you need my help?" I nod, he closes the door and we head into the bathroom. He helps me change then I sit on the bed, "Here lay down, bend your knees and lay on your side. It will help witht he pain. How far apart are the contractions?" "50 minuts now." "Okay." He nods and sits down "How long do they last?" "About 18 minutes now." I was breathing deeply, I had practiced my breathing techniques my whole pregnancy and I was doing it now, even though there was no pain.

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