Chapter 10

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"Belle!" Carlisle runs in, when he sees me he speeds up, I gasp and get up, getting dizzy but I ignore it. I walk to him whole he jogs. When he was close enough to me he pulled me into a hug.

I wanted to break down in his arms but I didn't want to look weak to Bella, so I just let a few tears slip down my face. "Did a nurse check you?" "No." He pulls away, "Why?" "Because I am fine." "Belle your cut needs to be attended to." I roll my eyes which hurts, he saw my slight wince. "Charlie is it ok if I heck her in my office? I'll bring her home." "Sure Carlisle." "Thank you, I'll check Bella first." Carlisle says with a slight smile.

Charlie nods, I wait patiently, "Well she isn't as bad as Belle, she may experience some PTSD but that's about all. She can be discharged, a nurse will show you discharge papers for Belle and Bella." "Thank you Dr. Cullen." He nods, then comes to me, I see Bella glare harshly st me, I flinch just slightly but she saw that." She smirks at me, I turn around slowly, Carlisle wraps an arm around my waist, we leave the emergency room to see Rose almost about to rip Edward's head off.

We go over, "Rose!" I say as she almost yells at him, her head snaps to me, "Calm down." I say, "You could have exposed us to her!" She says to him harshly, "I know I'm sorry." Edward says, "She..." Rose cuts off shaking her head, "Edward this isn't about you this is about all of us and mom!" "We should take this to my office." Carlisle says, Rose and Edward look over to see Bella, she slightly glares at me, I look down, "Can I talk to you?" She says to Edward, he looks at me, knowing exactly what she did to me.

"It's alright hunny." He nods, I turn around with Carlisle, "Rosalie!" I say to her, she looks at me then Bella then me again, Bella looks at us, "Yes mother." She hangs her head and heads to Carlisle's office where the rest of the kids were. He sits me on his desk, the kids just sitting around. "He shouldn't have done that." Rose says shaking her head. "Rose please." I say softly, my vice soft, broken and tired.

I had my eyes closed but I could still feel all of their stares, I wince as Carlisle cleans out my head, "Mom she endangered your life." Rose says, "Yeah it's her fault your hurt momma." Jasper says, Carlisle's freeze on my forehead, "What?" Carlisle asks, I slowly open my eyes, "You haven't told him yet mom?" Emmett says, "I've been a little busy." I explained. "Let's give them a few minutes. We should go calm down Edward?" Alice says getting up, for once she wasn't smiling.

"Alice..." Rose says, she didn't want to help Edward, "Please, can I just have some privacy with your father." I say, tears coming to my eyes, they all looked at me. "Ok." Rose says agreeing. They all leave, he patches up my cut. "You had to have 3 stitches. Now tell me." Carlisle steps back, I stand up. "Bella texted me saying she wanted me at her truck, so I went over and she said I had to do her homework, calling me her slave and whatever. I said no quiet a few times. When I went to turn around I heard the screeching sound of Tyler Crowley's car."

I wipe away my tears, "A-and she p-pushed me i-in front o-of her." I sob lightly, "I thought I was going to die. The car w-was a few f-feet from me. But she pushed me in front of her." I put my hand to my mouth. "S-she wanted m-me d-dead. She pushed me Carlisle!" I sob as my eyes widen, I bend over holding my heart, his arms wrap around my waist barely a second later.

"She almost killed me." I sob harder, my knees gave out, we fall to the ground, I was in a hysterical state, my mind going a million miles an hour, my heart breaking. I couldn't talk, I could barely breath in the state I was in right now. He rocked me back and forth, I didn't feel safe with Bella anymore, I loved with her so I didn't know how to live at my house with her there, and she knows that I don't feel safe anymore.

I was so deep in my head that I didn't feel more arms wrap around me until Carlisle whispered my name, his voice sounded like he was in pain. I slowly look around in my blurry vision to see all my kids. They loved me, even if Bella didn't I was still loved. It hurt that they love me more then my own sister, I knew she didn't love me but today, today she crossed a line, a line that I will never be able to forgive her for, a line that now makes me scared of her, no I'm not scared, I terrified, because if she did this once, then what's to say she wouldn't do it again.

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