No Robots Allowed

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hallo my fellow readers! welcome to another chapter of sonic boom x reader (season 1). yes, i will be making chapters for season 2, or i will at least try to! i hope you all enjoy this chapter and take care of yourself <3

edited: this is so short, i'll try to make the next chapter longer, lmao ;-;


You were at Sonic's shack while the others were at Tails' place, probably complaining about the heat wave that hit only a couple of hours ago. You were on the phone with your mother.

"Hey, mama!"

"Hi, baby! How are you doing? I feel like it's been so long!"

"Ma, It's been 3 weeks..."

"I feel like it's been 3 years! I miss you so much, I can't wait for you to come home!'

You paused for a moment. You forgot that this was just a vacation. At the end of the month, you'll be heading home and who knows if you'll ever come back to this island...


"Huh-? Oh, y-yeah! of course, I-I can't wait to come home too!"

"I'm glad to hear that!....oh! I gotta go! Mama loves you!"

You laughed as you hear *mwahs* over the end of the phone. 

"I love you, too! Bye, mama!"

You hung up the phone and looked at the ground with a sad smile. You made amazing friends, and you weren't ready to leave them just yet. You have one week, so you better make the most of it! But how are you going to tell the others you're leaving so soon?

All of a sudden, Sonic ran into the shack, making you yelp. 

"Oh! H-Hi. Sonic!"

Sonic smiled but soon tilted his head.

"Are- you okay, Y/N/N? You seem....tense?" Sonic asked, and you chuckled.

"Oh, e-everything's fine! I-I just got off the phone with my mother! Thank you, by the way, for letting me use your phone after mine, was, uh-" 

"Hey, no problem! As a matter of fact, you keep that one! I got my communicator to contact the gang and you, and I barely use that phone anymore." Sonic replied, making you smile.


"Hey, the others and I are heading to the beach to try and cool off! Wanna join?" He asked, wiping a sweat mark off his forehead and you laughed. "Sure! Beats staying here all day!" You roll your eyes. "Hey, what's wrong with my shack?" Sonic asked a bit offended, "It's just so hot!"

"How is that MY fault? Hey, and Tails' place is twice as hot--"

"Are we gonna stand here and talk about what's hot and not, or get to that beach? Last one there's a rotten mobain!" You laugh, running past the blue hedgehog.

"Are you serious?" He laughed, running after you, becoming a blue streak of light running past you and you laughed.

'I don't want to leave yet...'


You all made it to the beach, and you were regretting coming along. IT WAS EVEN HOTTER THAN SONIC'S SHACK! The sun was hitting your back as your face was buried in the sand. Sunscreen and water bottles were all over the place, but none of you cared. You were all too hot to care.

𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀 𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙀𝙎 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈 | various!sonicboom x readerWhere stories live. Discover now