Chez Amy

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okay, at this point i think i'm just adding the episodes to this book that i like, lmao! i hope you all enjoy this chapter! i'll try to make it better than 'Robot Battle Royale' <3


I actually really like this one, lol :)


"Why are we even playing with you?" You asked as you watched Sonic play soccer all by himself, passing the ball to himself over and over again. With a large kick, Sonic kicked the ball, it hitting Knuckles in the face. 

"Ugh--GoAl!" he drawled out.

The gang soon saw Amy sit by a nearby bench, eating a sandwich.

"Hey! Your Meh Burger looks weird!" Sonic stated bluntly.

"It's not a stupid 'Meh Burger!' I made this myself!

"Ah, so it's a Me Burger! An 'Amy' Burger!" Sonic laughed at his own joke, making you facepalm and Amy stare at him.

"See, I took the original name and did a clever twist on it."

"Yeah, clever." Amy rolled her eyes.

"I think it was clever, Sonic!" Tails smiled, but Sonic sighed.

"Don't patronize me."

"Speaking of patronizing, let's go be customers at Meh Burger!" Knuckles smiled until Amy let out a disgusted groan. "Meh Burger is horrible! The people of this un-named village deserve better!" Amy declared, and you folded your arms.

"Yeah, like a name!"

"I know, right!" Sticks agreed. "See! See, she agrees with me!"

"I'm going to open a restaurant with good service, a pleasant inviting atmosphere--" 

"And a moat? And laser turrets?" Sticks asked.

"Probably not-."

"Amy, you don't know anything about running a restaurant!" Sonic pointed out, making the pink hedgehog growl at him.

"If I let not knowing anything stop me from doing something, I'd never do anything."

You stared at the echidna for a few moments until your eyes landed on Amy.

"I'm really going to do it. I'm opening a restaurant! Are you guys with me!" She pumped a fist in the air as she cheered.

"I guess."



"What are we doing?-"

"Don't blame me when it's overrun by invaders!"


Amy's restaurant was just beside Meh Burger. It took a while, but with the gang's help, Amy was able to build her own shelter. 

"Present spatulas!" She ordered and the gang, including you, stood side-by-side as Amy walked towards you all, with spatulas in your hands.


"Very nice!-Stick's that's not a spatula, lose it!"

"Great!" Amy smiled at you, and soon she walked over to Knuckles. 

"Knuckles! Your hat is on backwards!" The boy quickly....turned himself around, his back now facing Amy and he whined. 

"Where'd everyone go?"

Tails took his wrist and twirled him around, so he was facing Amy again. 

"I'm about to teach Dave the Intern a lesson he'll never forget!" Amy grinned, laughing as she said 'never.'

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