Closed Door Policy

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"No one can stop me from turning every coconut on this island into deadly explodo-nuts, thanks to my fiendish sider-bombs." Upon hearing these words, you sighed. Here we go again with another dumb reason to plan an attack by Dr. Eggman, forcing you to stop at your day to just relax. 

Watching Sonic pick up a coconut that was beeping the color red, he spoke. "Is it just me or have Eggman's plan's gotten a little weird?" He tossed the coconut in the air just in time before it exploded. Tail's used a large log to destroy one as well before it had time to explode. "Exploding spider-bot coconuts? No, it's not just you." Tail's snapped. 

Actually having fun with these coconuts. You and Sonic threw them in the air, Amy using her hammer to knock them away, and you used logs as well to destroy them. "It's psychological." Amy began, watching Eggman get hit with a coconut from her hammer she knocked to him. 

"The spider-bots are a cry for help and the coconuts indicate mother issues." 

"I do not have mother issues" Eggman growled. 

This went on for a few more moments before the sound of a clock alarm could be heard. Out of her pocket, Amy took out an alarm clock. "Darn it! Y/N and I promised Stick's a girl's night out to the volcano!" 

"Uh- we did what now?" You asked, unsure of what she was talking about. "Can we wrap this up?" Amy asked. 

"Just as it was getting good.." Sonic sighed.

You all ended the battle, with Eggman having the defeat as always. And Amy grabbed your wrist, dragging you along with her towards Stick's burrow. 


"Come on, Sticks and Y/N! The volcano won't be open all night!" Amy smiled, helping you pack your bag with....junk! "Amy, it's the middle of the day! We'll be fine!" You reasoned.

"The volcano closes?" Stick's asked as she stood in front of the mirror. 

"It's an expression," Amy said.

"Of what?"

"I don't know! 'It's an expression' is just an expression!" Amy snapped out of nowhere, making you flinch, but roll your eyes. Closing your bag and sat beside Amy. Stick's stared at the pink hedgehog with a cocked eyebrow. 

"Come on, getting ready is half the fun of going out! What do you have in your purse?" She asked, taking her own purse from beside her and showed the badger. 

"Purse?" Stick's questioned?

"A girl needs the essentials." Amy smiled. 

"Cab fare, lip balm, mirror." She began to list the objects in her purse, before taking out a photo of Sonic, making you raise an eyebrow. She saw and laughed. 

"Picture of a friend that you have no romantic interest in."

"Purse! Right!" Stick's beamed, running to the back of her burrow, and soon all you and Amy could hear was clanging and banging. You and Amy made eye contact and bolt to the back. 

"Stick's, are you ok?" You asked, running to the room only to stop dead in your tracks and stare. 

"Oh no!" Amy cried, seeing the mess in the room. Stick's could be seen digging through the cluttered mess and you were just shocked. You knew she was messy but this is amazing!

"Purse is around here somewhere." Stick's spoke. 

"Stick's! You're a pack-rat!" Amy cried, and Stick's stopped searching to face both her friends. "No, I'm not.." She paused for a moment. 

𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀 𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙀𝙎 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈 | various!sonicboom x readerWhere stories live. Discover now