Circus of Plunders

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"Sonic, my laser-guided Unbolterizer is ready to go! I've got a clean shot at Squid-Bot!" Tail's spoke in his headset as he flew over the battle scene in his plane. The gang was currently fighting a new-made robot created by Dr. Eggman. 

"Tail's have you even tested it yet?" Sonic asked, doing what he usually does in a battle and speeding around on the ground, dodging and spin balling towards the bot.

"Don't worry! It'll work!" Smiled the young fox. With you in the back of the plane with him, you were able to see him press a button to activate a lever to his right, which when he pulled it a bright yellow beam shot out of it. It struck one of the legs of Eggman's robots but soon darted into a pile of rocks in the process. 

"Oh...snap.." You watched as the rocks collided to the ground in the canyon.

The team below was distracted so much by dodging the boulders that the Bot with Eggman inside was able to gain back the upper hand. Wanting to help, Tail's flew his plane down towards the robot. But before he could attack, the bot whacked them from the air, making the plane go crazy out of control. You and Tail's screamed as you braced for impact. Thankfully, Tail's was able to recover and regain flight. 

Eggman cackled from within the bot. "Oh, how the tide has turned. That's a natural reference, cause it's a squid- I-I mean octopus! Grrr! Great! Know you've got me doing it!"

Sonic soon dashed to the back of the bot and opened its control panel. Grabbing a handful of wires and pulling them right out of the bot, causing it to short-circuit. The robot crashed to the ground and spilled out some black goo, making Amy cringe in disgust. 

Eggman disconnected his Eggmobile from the robot's compartment and flew into the air. "Next time, study your cephalopods before we do battle!" and he flew off.

At that moment, Tail's landed his plane and both you and him jumped out, although you were still a bit hazy, you held your head to stop things from spinning and Sonic helped you as you were about to fall.

"Guys, I don't know what happened!" Tail's exclaimed, seeing your condition.

"I'll tell you what happened!" Amy snapped, making Tail's ears droop along with his two tails. "Your laser almost turned us into robo-fish food!"

"Yeah, and not the delicious flakey kind." Knuckles added

"I'm sorry, it malfunctioned!"

"Or.maybe it didn't malfunction." Stick's said, pointing her finger to the fox.. "Maybe this isn't even Tail's! What if it's one of those sleeper agents? A mole, pretending to be a fox. A fox mole!" She ran to him and grabbed his face, pulling the 'mask' that wasn't even there in the first place.

"Ow! Quit it!" Tail's whined, pulling Sticks off him.

"Hey, leave him alone!" Sonic said, stepping in between both Stick's and Tails. 

"No, Sonic." Tails spoke up. "They're right. Well, except Stick's and the whole fox mole thing. I put all of you in danger. I need to go." He frowned, hopping back into this place and taking flight.

"Tails, wait!" Sonic called out for him, reaching him. He turned to his communicator when he saw Tail's disappear. "Tail's? Are you ok, buddy? Tails?"

The blue blur sighed when he heard the line disconnect from Tail's headset.

"Are you all serious?" You asked, turning to face Amy, Knuckles, and Stick's. Leaving Sonic since he was twice as annoyed at the three. "You were so mean to him! He was just trying to help the team!" You snarled. "You all need to calm down!" You said, mainly talking to Amy. She noticed your eyes narrow at her. 

𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀 𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙀𝙎 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈 | various!sonicboom x readerWhere stories live. Discover now