Translate This!

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You, Sonic, and Amy sat on a couple of beach chairs in the front of Sonic's shack. Right in front of the warm, cool beach.  You and Sonic shared an umbrella while Amy had her own to block away the sun. Close to you three, there were Knuckles and Stick playing a nice small game of volleyball. 

"Ah, there's nothing like a lazy day on the beach." Sonic sighed. "You can say that again.." You agree, adjusting your black sunglasses over your eyes. 

"It's nice to breathe in that beautiful saltwater air and relax. " Stick's smiled. "For the first time, I feel totally stress-free..." She finished with a sigh. 

"Hey, guys!" You heard the cheery voice of Tail's, making you take your glasses off and place them over your head, and also caused Sticks to shriek. 

Looking up at the yellow fox, you saw him push something covered in brown cloth. 

"I just perfected my most brilliant invention yet!" Tail's smiles, proud of what he has created. "Meet U.T! The Universal Translator! Designed to translate any language into our own!' Pulling off the sheet, Tail's revealed a small robot. 

You, Sonic, Amy, Knuckles, and Stick's give Tail's an unimpressed glance. "Allow me to demonstrate!" He chirped. 

Tail's pointed up to a nearby tree, to see a bunch of baby birds with their mothers in a nest. The mother feeding her babies. U.T scanned the baby birds when they chirped and turned back to the four. 

"The way you pre-chew your food is repulsive." He spoke. 

"Hey!" Knuckles smiles, now intrigued. "It works!" 

"Didn't see that one coming" U.T spoke again. 

"Uhm- it's still talking?" Knuckles said.  

"I thought this thing just translated birds."

"Since what your saying doesn't need to be translated, U.T is translating it into what you really mean" Tail's explained. 

"I didn't intend for it to do that. But I will gladly accept full credit." U.T translated. 

"That's great, Tail's!" Amy chirped until U.T translated her words. 

"Pretty lame."

That's- not what I was thinking at all.." Amy chuckles, standing up from the sunchair. 

"Man, I am totally busted" U.T spoke, and Amy began to sweat. "Tail's, I think it may need some more work.."

"If that thing doesn't shut its metal trap I think I might die!"

You roll your eyes. "Of course, it needs more work.." 

"How dumb can this girl get.."

You darted your head towards U.T. then to Amy you glared at you. "Th-That's not what I meant."

"This thing is gonna get me busted."

"Shut up!" You yell at the bot.

"This thing needs to just die."

You let out a groan, sitting back on the chair. "Tail's, if this thing keeps roaming around reading people's minds, who know what kind of trouble it could cause. It may infect people's privacy." You explained. 

"I don't want this thing to know what I do before bed." You flushed after hearing U.T translate your thoughts. The gang looked at you skeptically, making you look away with a red face. 

"Wait- this thing read minds?" Stick's asked, making all eyes go to her now. 

"Wait- this thing read minds?" U.T replied.

𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀 𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙀𝙎 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈 | various!sonicboom x readerWhere stories live. Discover now